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With a shot from V1's sharpshooter revolver, nearly all of the rockets were destroyed due to its ricocheting charge inside. As the Earthmover struggled to see through the red explosion, V1 quickly made his way up to one of its towering legs. From there, V1 readied his knuckleblaster and quickly unscrewed one of the many panels located on the Earthmover.


Authorized [Human] technicians only 

{Idc if you get blown out and fall to your death tbh but still}



Configuring the settings so that he could traverse faster, V1 finished tweaking the vents and propelled himself using the one near his feet, gliding across the air before landing on the pillar-like leg on the opposite side.

Yellow flashes surrounded him and V1 saw a squad of Streetcleaners running at them. Dressed in black and yellow, V1 presumed The Solver had modified them. His assumption was true, the Streetcleaners could use the solver to direct the fire from their flamethrowers. Dashing left and jumping high to dodge the omnidirectional fire, V1 let four coins slip through his fingers, firing at them as they fell. Each ricocheting beam split through the coins, hitting the canisters of each streetcleaner, killing them instantly.





With them gone, V1 proceeded to climb the Earthmover's hind legs to access its delicate interior. Seeing a hatch leading up, V1 entered through to see a tunnel leading to the city above the Earthmover. Without hesitation, V1 entered.

An eerie, scuttling noise could be heard. Quickly turning, V1 turned and slashed at the unseen threat with his yellow arm. A mannequin had ambushed him. V1 walked on, but as expected, the tunnel's exit closed, and a red skull and crossbones sign sealed it off for good. "Seems Hell wants a display of art," V1 muttered, drawing out his Attractor Nailgun as blue flashes surrounded him.

It started with hordes of filths which V1 pulverised with a thrust from the knuckleblaster. Three soldiers followed, escorting a Gutterman. Blade flashing, V1 advanced, putting Swordmachines to shame as he scythed down the soldiers with ease.





With its shield now gone, The remaining Gutterman tried to track V1 down, opening fire. Coins at the ready, V1 redirected several shots from the Gutterman before entering melee range.







With the Gutterman gone, V1 expected to see the exit open, but no, another wave of enemies greeted him, consisting of two Solver-enhanced streetcleaners and an Idoled Mindflayer. In this confined space, the streetcleaners would be formidable enemies, so V1 decided to kill them before giving them the chance to attack. Latching a magnet to create a nail trap, V1 tried to reel a streetcleaner in with the whiplash. As expected, the experienced streetcleaner effortlessly dodged left...Right into the trap V1 had created.

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