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Valentino gently stroked Angel's cheek, making the spider demon smile, flustered and look away.
"Look, We can be rich together and be the most powerful and feared duo in hell! All I need you to do is some simple tasks around my studio."

"I guess that does sound nice.."
He didn't actually wish to be feared, but Valentino was such a charming man. He completely followed him in his ideas, willing to do anything to stay with him. After all, he was the first man who ever cared about him this much. His daddy had dropped him when he came out. He was bullied a lot by his father's gang members, and his father himself.
Valentino was the first to love him, and the one he'd spend his afterlife with.

"It does, doesn't it? I'll make you a star. My little star. It'll just be a few simple tasks to help out with my studio, alright?" He pulled the shorter man closer on his lap by placing his hand on his thigh.

"I guess.. we can try it. Yeah. You'll stay with me though, won't ya?"

His question made the Moth chuckle.
"Of course! I'd be a fool to let you go, my angelcakes~"
Vox let out a huff and rolled his eyes as he sat across them in the limousine.

"How do I make sure of that?"
Angel asked in a teasing way as he placed a kiss on his cheek.

"How about you make an official deal with your very own overlord?" A pink smoke trailed around them.

"What kind of deal?"
Angel felt a little unsure about the idea, but he trusted the Moth.

Valentino smirked.
"You can sign a contract with me, and we'll be together forever."
The overlord held a piece of golden paper before him.
"All you have to do is sign it."

"I don't know Val.. I don't love the idea-"

"Do you not trust me? I gave you everything! A home, protection, money, even respect from low life demons! And you dare to question me?!"
The spider was shocked by his mood switch, and his eyes grew worried.
"No! No, of course I trust you Val! I'm sorry, I'll do it."

Angel took a pen from the moth as he offered, and wrote his name at the bottom of the paper with a little heart beside it, while looking up at the demon with a little smile, hoping he wouldn't be angry with him anymore.

"You were just kidding, right? I knew I could count on you."
Val smirked as he let the spider get off his lap and sit down in the seat next to him instead.

"Yes, Val. Of course.."

"Good boy."
He went through his pockets and placed a small plastic bag in his hand which contained a familiar white powder.
"Enjoy yourself tonight."

••••• End of flashback •••••

Husk just came back from the casino where he'd paid a visit to an old acquaintance and joined a few rounds of gambling. It had been a day since he'd seen the spider demon, and he didn't want to admit it, but he was a little worried. He'd overheard the princess on a call with him the night before, and had asked her about his situation. He found out he "had a long day and some more clients than planned." Beside that, apparently his new film had taken longer than expected.
In the meantime, Husk had taken care of the pig.
He didn't mind the company, but he wasn't exactly great with pets. He didn't know what to think of them. Did they feel the same as him? Could they actually understand him? He never owned a pet, so he had no experience with them at all, which made him a little nervous about the situation. He refused to let he pig sleep on his bed, but for some reason he felt bad to leave the pig alone for so long as well, so he'd prepared a little corner in his room with some pillows and a blanket for the animal to sleep on. It seemed to have been content with his improvised bed and company, so Husk hoped he'd done alright for the time it's owner was away.
He was walking back to the hotel now, grumpy as always, but for a reason too. His acquaintance had convinced him to join his game, resulting in him to lose his bet. He didn't want to join the game originally today as they we're doing a form of gambling he wasn't most familiar with.
He hated himself for letting the guy convince him. He'd also gotten into a heated argument with some other visitor about his reputation. Someone had provoked him about the status he carried in hell before he was under contract with the radio demon.

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