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Fuck it I'm posting I can't wait 🙏
Still have too many ideas when I'm already on part 8 dude
Angel entered the hotel again with balled fists, cursing to himself and his eyes focused on the floor. It was long after midnight when he finally got back, and his dress was ripped at the top. He hit the wall on his way into the lobby.
"I thought you only had only had one client and a meeting?"
Husk was sat at the bar which had closed about two hours ago, with a bottle of booze in-hand, but the insomniac cat had nothing better to do than to drink until he dropped. Which is exactly what he was doing. As soon as Angel entered, he'd moved from his place only to return after he locked the door behind him.

"Fucking Val tricked me! I get to the the studio, he keeps me for hours 'till he's satisfied with his income! It was my day off dammit!"
He punched the wall again. At least he was lucky the overlord didn't use him as his own toy tonight. Or that's what he thought.
"Fucking horny, greedy, insensitive, lying, maniac!"

"We are in hell. And I'm sure the little princess won't be happy with a hole in her wall again."
The bartender took a sip of his drink after his insensitive response. He was clearly trying to annoy the spider, even if it was nothing compared to how Angel taunted him.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you useless sack of shit! Go cough up some hairballs. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit remarks. Ya think you're funny big guy? Quit fucking with me!" He snapped at the other demon.

He frowned slightly in response and got up from his stool.
"Isn't that all you're good for?" He muttered in response, loud enough for the other to hear. He was clearly unhappy with the way he had lashed out on him over such a simple comment.
"Your pig had it's dinner. You're welcome." He placed a beer on the bar and left, making his way to his room.

Angel groaned and buried his face in his hands, striking them back past his face. He didn't mean to hurt the other, he just had trouble controlling himself being as tired as he was. Physically, and emotionally, tired of Val's bullshit. It was no excuse for his behavior though. He would apologize later... if he remembered. He took the beer from the bar and took a sip from it. Looking at the bottle in his hand, he wondered why the bartender was still nice to him. Well, he said something that definitely hurt him, but that was justified. Yet he still got him a drink after that.
Shouldn't Husk hate him by now? He sighed and took the beer back to his room, greeting the pig who was peacefully napping on his bed by gently petting him, and sitting down next to him. It was clear the little creature had his dinner, or he would've been restless right now.
"Hey Nuggsie.. sorry I couldn't keep my word.."

The soft touch woke the little guy, and it jumped up, happy to see his owner.
Angel smiled as he wiped a tear that threatened to fall.
"I'm glad at least you forgive me for my mistakes. You do, don't ya?"
The pet responded with a happy grunt and a curly tail that wouldn't stop wagging.
"I love you Nuggs. C'mon, let's get some rest."

He got up from the bed and moved to his bathroom where he put on the same hoodie from this morning. It was still pretty clean, as he only wore it for a few hours. He quickly brushed his teeth and returned to the bed, keeping his shower for the next morning as he was far too tired, plus, he didn't want to wake other guests and have them knocking on his door this late.
He laid down in the soft bed, his little friend joining him instantly and laying down in his arms.
"Night, Nuggs."

The next morning the spider woke up with his usual empty feeling.
He sighed as he remembered the night before.
He felt guilty but had a hard time admitting his mistakes.
The tiny pig let him know he was awake as well by pushing his nose against his owner's cheek.
"Morning Nuggsie." He gently pet the pig. He turned to lay on his back and stared at the ceiling, letting out a deep sigh over the idea of going through another day. After a few minutes of petting his pig, he finally got out of his bed and did his usual routine to get ready, taking a quick shower and getting dressed in a new hoodie, shorts, and his favorite black boots.
He took his pet down to the kitchen and fed him before sitting down at the table again where he just ate an apple for himself.

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