Chapter 21 part 2 : the white and black

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You were sitting on a bench with pina as you ask him

Y/N : I remember before I black out...I punch Louis so hard that he flung back...I can almost hear his skull crack

Pina : Pure Strength...

You look at pina and try to understand what he mean

Pina : it's a combination between speed and strength , I always wonder how you move so fast and how strong you are but...

He takes a moment to understand when he finds out by a few step

Pina : it's by the wind barrier , when something is moving so fast , a barrier was made so it doesn't go too fast but when you reach out for something and breaks it , you automatically made a huge explosion between it

Y/N : so you mean...I broke the wind ?

Pina : precisely , you move so fast that your hand could break the barrier and when it hits your opponent , it made a very powerful hit that could even break their its conclusion , you are special on going up close...even when you're hurt

As the flashback ends , bill laugh and takes a moment to enjoy Louis's suffering

Bill : enjoy your pathetic end senpai

When he turn to look at you but suddenly you were gone...

Bill : wait wasn't he...

When all of the sudden you appear beside him and was a bit lower , you aim for his spine and grit your teeth

Y/N : checkmate bill...

You swing so fast that the wind barrier breaks and hits bill's left spine , he scream in pain and was flung back as you gasp for air

Y/N : I really...just...put all that one

Louis is left surprised and fear as he has never seen such strong punch

Louis : I heard a bone crack...was that also made by...Y/N ?

He looks at you as you remain focus on breathing for air , you use almost all energy and nearly made yourself pass out

Y/N : that was...the fastest I could go

You then heard your phone ring as you answer it , it almost sounds like Juno was in fear

Juno : Y/N...please return...there is this...lion gang in our school

Y/N : I thought...Louis was...

Louis : I'm not in charge...

He grip the ground almost as he knew this was going to happen

Y/N : Juno where are you right now ?

Juno : I'm on the 12th floor...Legoshi tries to hold them off with Riz but they are slowly breaking through

Pina then came as he was in fear

Pina : it's true...those lions are breaking through Cherryton academy

You grit your teeth as everything is getting out of hand

Y/N : alright let's head there...Louis you either follow or stay

Louis : I...want to...follow

He grabs a nearby gun and follow your lead , you wipe a few sweat from your forehead as you look back at bill

Y/N : sorry bill...I promise to come back...

And with that you're off to go and help your own school

To be continued

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