Chapter 11 : The calm before the storm

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You were sitting on the floor and try to get some rest after fixing the dinosaurs sculpture , you look around and saw a bunch of couple walking around

Y/N : I better go somewhere

You go back inside and wandering around the hall , you try to calm yourself down by counting 1 2 3 everytime

Y/N : 1...2...3...4

Until you reach the practice room , as you enter you saw Legosi and Juno practicing they're move

Legosi : oh I didn't notice you enter

Y/N : did I miss something ?

Juno : oh Legosi kun was just helping me

Y/N : I see

You sit on the floor and take a rest

Y/N : don't mind me continue what you're doing

Juno and Legosi kept practicing until she finally gets it

Juno : thanks Legosi

Legosi : just remember to keep your leg move that's the key to all of this

He then leaves the room while you are still sitting there

Juno : hey are you ok

Y/N : just taking a break

Juno : ok mind if I sit next to you

Y/N : sure

She sits right next to you and look at the ceiling

Y/N : what are you looking at ?

Juno : nothing , I was just thinking about you and Legosi

Y/N : hmm what about us ?

Juno : well Legosi is kinda a big wolf but he never fight back or anything he never want to harm anyone but you...

She looks at you

Juno : do you ever hurt anyone in your life ?

Y/N : back when I was a kid , I used to fight anyone

You hold out your hand

Y/N : the only memory I had left was when I got to put on a muzzle , I couldn't even smile back then

You then crumble it

Y/N : but that one night changes everything about me


Person 1 : no please don't hurt us we were trying to help you !!

Person 2 : you can't keep hurting everyone !!


Y/N : they're scream can still be heard till this day

Juno : what did you do to them ?

Y/N : I killed them , in my life I'm already used to all of this

You stand up

Y/N : which is why I change my mind to protect the people I care , that include HIM

You leave the room and couldn't believe what you just said

Y/N : bad memory leads to bad thing , idiot

You fell asleep on the floor

The Next Day

You wake up and noticed that you slept on the floor

Y/N : maybe I was too tired to even move

You kept walking till you reach Legosi's dorm , you open the door and notice that no one is inside

Y/N : the bed is all mine

You lay on the bed and fall asleep...(again)

You didn't close the door and was so tired to not close the door

Some time later , jack came back and notice the door was wide open

He takes a look around and notice you on the bed , he pokes you a little and woke you up on accidentally

You wake up and decided to choose violence by biting Jack's finger


Y/N : Hrrg hrrggghh


You open your mouth and let go of Jack's finger

Jack : the heck man !!

Y/N : sorry I was tired

You cover yourself up with the blanket

Y/N : I was too tired

Jack : what were you been doing this whole time ?

Y/N : doing the sculpture and talk with Juno

Jack takes your hand and looks at it

Jack : you need to take care of yourself , take care of your health

Y/N : I will try

He then takes his book and show it to you

Jack : I bought this book from the library

Y/N : can you read it for me ?

Jack : why don't we read it together ?

Y/N : ok :3

You and jack starts to read the book and became a close friend

As you are being with jack and Legosi  you start to feel much more safer with them

Y/N : thank you , jack and Legosi

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