04 | dangerous liasons (part II)

Start from the beginning

Anastasia found herself in the awkward position between being a guest and a host; since she wasn't a Mikaelson nor a townsmember she simply stayed in the shadows and watched others interact. In the beginning, Niklaus stayed glued to her side but she soon realised it wasn't fair of her to hog him all night simply because she didn't know anyone else.

"Don't you look beautiful, princess," Kol smirked, walking towards her dressed in the same tuxedo as earlier that day. When she simply rolled her eyes in response, he said, "When somebody gives you a compliment, it is courteous to return the favour."

"It's the 21th century, mate. Women are no longer socially required to return compliments from creepy men," Anastasia told him, adjusting her gloves a little. "But I shall excuse you this time since you have been asleep for the past century."

The smirk on his face only widened and Anastasia hated how unbelievably handsome he looked. There was something about the sheer arrogance he radiated that made her want to punch him but at the same time intrigued her. And judging by how several of the younger women in the ballroom were incapable of keeping their eyes off him, she knew it wasn't just her.

Kol Mikaelson was simply objectively handsome...

An A-class arsehole with aggression issues and an overbearing arrogance – but finding him attractive was unavoidable for anyone with eyes.

"What can I say, I have a lot to catch up on," Kol shrugged unapologetically but she could detect a hint of bitterness in his tone. However, it was swiftly covered up with a charming smile that she almost could have believed to be genuine had she not known about the monster that hid behind the surface. "Although, I must admit, I am not complaining about the evolution of women's dresses."

"You may be immortal, Sleeping Beauty, but I could set you on fire. Do well to remember that," Anastasia said, mostly joking but at the same time not because it would give her an immense satisfaction to see his expensive suit go up in flames.

"Not before I snapped your fragile little human neck," Kol retorted, keeping an easy smile on his face. For anyone that watched from a distance, it might have appeared like the two were having a pleasant conversation. Expressions didn't match up their words.

"And then Nik would put a dagger in your heart and you'd have to spend another century lying in that box," Anastasia smiled sweetly. Provoking somebody with the reputation to be reckless probably wasn't the smartest thing to do – but it was good fun.

Dark brown eyes bore into her blue ones. Kol took a step closer, using his height advantage to intimidate her, much like he had tried to do with Nik earlier, and then he tilted his head to the side, a vicious smirk on his face when he said, "It might be worth it." Getting even closer to her face, he added, "And then, I will kill that little beast you have running around the house."

Narrowing her eyes, Anastasia lowered her tone into a dark whisper, "Threaten me all you want, but if you come anywhere near my precious little baby, your pitiful immortal life will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonising torture."

Kol laughed mockingly, "You have spent too much time with my brother. But threats usually come off as more – threatening when they don't come from the human equivalence of her ugly little dog."

"First of all, Kol is the most adorable little dog you will ever meet. Second, unlike you, I don't feel the need for every single person I meet to fear from the start," Anastasia went back to smiling happily, like she didn't have any issues in the world. "It's much more fun to have your enemies underestimate you. It makes them reckless, which means that when it really matters, they won't know what hit them."

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