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The character for 'I deserve my happy ever after!'


Our Main character

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Our Main character

Name- Jun Qi
Jun Qi is the youngest child that was betrayed by friends and family, lost his sanity when the person he thinks as a sister abandon him.deep down in him is a sly minpulative fox that should not be messed with.Fake white lotus

Loves and I mean LOVES tea
Quite insane some would say

18 in age

Male lead

Zhāng wêi

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Zhāng wêi

The general soon to be emperor of the golden dragon Dynasty
A very cold personality,a bit of a tryant.was not made emperor because he did not have a spouse so was made a general. Loves his future wife so much it blinds him to see how much of a green tea bitch he is (no offense Jun qi)

He's 6000+ in Dragon but 42 in human

Side characters

Side characters

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Jai li

The woman that ran off with her so called lover and abandoned our poor main character. Is actually a kind person who doesn't want anything that to be in love
Her parents left her at the village because of how much she misbehave

I deserve my happy every after!Where stories live. Discover now