How To... Start What You Want To Do

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Here's my current life update after I came back from school.

I'm staring at my ceiling as I lay on my bed, my head is spiraling with thoughts as we speak... very random thoughts.

For example, how did humans come up with a freaking way to make popcorn? Like, have we tried other foods just to know what will happen when they pop? I reached into the bowl beside be to munch on another popcorn I had stacked into a mini bowl - it's movie night, tonight... we still haven't decided on what to watch but dad is preparing beforehand downstairs - which is now empty. I let out a frustrated sigh as I covered my face with my hands.

I should be brainstorming ideas and not lying down in self wallow as I dread the fact my future is in my hands... I honestly don't think I should be trusted with anything.

A ding from my phone brought me back to the present reality. I checked the notifications and I realized it's from Nathan Springfield, he just posted on Instagram - thou shalt not ask me any further questions, thank you - I quickly opened it and of course he didn't fail to deliver as he should. There stood Nathan in all his might and glory, under the golden hour sunlight, his hair being massaged by the wind as he looked straight into my eyes - well the camera taking him photos - but overall... he was shirtless. Boy was his workout routine paying off pretty damm well if I should say so myself. Those pretty pink lips-

"Hey Jade, can you help me get some drinks from the nearby store? You know how your brother is," My dad looks at me with an apologetic smile.

My heartbeat had literally skyrocketed with his sudden entrance and I looked like I had just seen a ghost.

"Oh my God! Don't ever do that again. Please knock next time, you scared the living daylights out of me," I held a hand to my chest for emphasis.

"Right. I'm so sorry," He says and closes the door.

I sigh tiredly after getting my heart to beat at a normal pace and then dragged myself out of bed to get the drinks we needed. It was 2 blocks away anyways so it wasn't too far out. They had a mini book stand at the store which o go to get one or two romance books to bury my nose in every now and then. I think I'm a hopeless romantic. Disney made us believe in magic, books made me daydream about unrealistic things.

I received a text from my phone and it's from my... dad?

Dad - Now
- Also, arrange the living room I'm coming home with a surprise ;)

Uhm, okay? Very very odd indeed.

Anyways, by the time I got back, my brother had arrived home as the red sports car parked randomly on our driveway indicated.

Typical Simon.

"I'm back" I announced as I closed the door behind me. Heading towards the kitchen o see Simon hiding a little stash of tequila underneath the fridge. He gives me the side eye and I stare right back at him. I think we've successfully established a siblings code of secrecy between us.

I shalt not speak of yours, if you don't speak of mine.

Simon my annoying brother is actually quite surprisingly part of the populars. The social bar between both of us is actually quite high. He's at the top, I'm at the lowest point... I think. He's quite athletic, got the fit physic all the girls and boys are fawning after... and he's a brunette with light freckles and a sharp jawline. At school we act like we barely know each other but he can be very overly protective of me. I had no idea he had once cornered Josh one certain time and asked him what his intentions with me were afterwards Josh started distancing himself from me till I confronted him and he spilled the beans. Let's just say, I threw hands and legs with Simon - actually if you can imagine a non -athletic human punching a brick wall, that's me... I wasn't the brick wall by the way - afterwards he promised to be less suspicious of all the male friends I hang out with. It doesn't stop him from sending death glares even from a mile away.

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