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                RUTH SLOWLY BLINKED her eyes open, finding herself in an unfamiliar setting. She shifted and glanced to her side, only to see Lando Norris sound asleep beside her. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she remembered how they must have fallen asleep, cuddled up together on the outdoor sofa of the villa. The night had been filled with laughter, dancing, and perhaps a bit too much champagne.

Lando stirred and let out a groan, rubbing his eyes and attempting to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Morning," he mumbled, his voice slightly hoarse. "Sorry if I'm a bit groggy."

Ruth reached out and gently brushed a strand of his unruly hair away from his face, a fondness blossoming within her. "No need to apologize. We had quite the night, didn't we?"

Lando chuckled and sat up, stretching his arms above his head. "Definitely a night to remember. Though, I have a feeling tonight will be even better. Max and Martin are coming over in a few hours to get ready for the New Year's Eve celebrations."

Ruth's heart skipped a beat at the mention of meeting Lando's friends. She was nervous but also excited about this new chapter in their relationship. She had always been more comfortable in the quiet sanctuary of her café, surrounded by the melodies of jazz. But with Lando, she felt a new kind of bravery blooming within her.

"I'm looking forward to meeting them," Ruth replied, her voice filled with anticipation. "And to whatever this New Year's Eve has in store for us."

Lando leaned closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I have a feeling it's going to be one magical night."

They shared a warm smile before rising from the outdoor sofa, their bodies entangled as they stumbled their way back into the villa. Ruth's heart raced with the promise of new adventures and the unknown, fueling her excitement for the evening ahead.

As the day unfolded, Ruth and Lando busied themselves with preparations. They laughed, shared stories, and discovered more about each other in the process. Ruth couldn't help but admire Lando's genuine joy and ability to make her feel at ease, even in situations that would otherwise make her anxious.

When Max and Martin arrived at the villa, they were greeted with warm hugs and friendly banter.  The boys arrived with their girlfriends Sarah and Pietra and Ruth felt an instant connection with them, as if they had known each other for years. Their presence only increased her anticipation for the night's festivities.

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon and Ibiza embraced the darkness, Ruth found herself getting ready with the two girls she had gotten to know the last few hours.  She was standing in front of the mirror, wearing a dress that Lando had complimented her on earlier. She smoothed out the wrinkles with nervous yet excited hands. In that moment, she realized that the person gazing back at her was not just the owner of Café Mon Coco but someone who had found a renewed sense of passion and courage in the company of Lando and his friends.
Sarah, Martin's girlfriend, approached her with a warm smile. "You look stunning, Ruth. So glad we finally get a chance to meet!" she says, "Pietra and i have heard a lot about you." she winked

Ruth returned the smile, grateful for Sarah's welcoming nature. "Thank you, Sarah. I'm glad too. This trip has been quite an adventure already, its only been twenty four hours," she laughs

Pietra, Max's girlfriend, joined them as she came out of the bathroom, her Brazilian accent adding a touch of exotic flair to the conversation. "Hey, Ruth! Loving the outfit. You're going to turn heads tonight!"

"Or a certain someone's head." Sarah winked.

Ruth blushed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, I doubt that. But thank you, Pietra. You look beautiful."

As they chatted and giggled wine drunk giggles, Ruth excused herself to the patio for a quick cigarette. The crisp night air cooled her nerves as she took a deep drag.

"Mind if I join you?"

Ruth turned, surprised to find Max standing there. "Of course not. Need a smoke too?"

Max chuckled and took a cigarette from his pocket. They stood side by side, the faint scent of tobacco mingling with the night breeze. "Don't tell Lando," he teased and Ruth laughed.

"So," Max began, exhaling smoke. "How are things with you and Lando?"

A faint smile played on Ruth's lips. "Really good actually, its all a lot different than i expected."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Different? In a good way, I hope?"

Ruth nodded, taking another drag. "Definitely in a good way. He's funny, caring, and so easy to be around. We just... click, you know?" Max hummed in response encouraging her to continue on, "I didn't think this would be where i was for New years," she replied honestly, "It feels weird- he was a customer and know i'm hanging out with his friends in this villa like what," she laughs.

Max smiled, leaning against the railing. "I'm glad to hear that, Ruth. Lando and I talk every day, he's said a lot about you, even when he first met you."  Ruth took a look at Max and another drag of her cigarette not sure what to say in response so he carried on, "He's only ever had one long term relationship and that went a bit sour.  he's a lot more vulnerable than people think he is and he has the biggest heart," Max trailed off, "what i'm saying is, it seems like you've made a big impact on him already- in such a short amount of time, which is a reality for him.  You seem good, Ruth. i think you both deserve happiness together."

Ruth's heart swelled with warmth. "Thank you, Max. That means a lot."

They both stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the distant sound of laughter and music reaching their ears.

Max finally broke the silence. "You know, Lando hasn't been himself lately. He talks about you a lot, and he's always got this goofy smile on his face."

Ruth's eyes widened. "Really? I never would've thought."

Max chuckled. "Well, it's true. The guy's smitten, Ruth. I've never seen him like this before."

Ruth's cheeks flushed, and she smiled shyly. "I guess I feel the same way too."

Max nudged her playfully. "Then don't let him slip away, alright? Life's too short for missed opportunities, he is a pussy, he will flirt and flirt but never get the courage to ask you out, bear that in mind." he laughs, stubbing out his cigarette.

Ruth took a final drag of her cigarette, tossing it into an ashtray. "Him and me both," she joked, "But You're right, Max. I won't."

With a final deep breath, Ruth stepped out of her room and joined Lando, Max, and Martin in the common area. Lando took one look at Ruth in her gorgeous black slip dress and heels and had a big grin on his silly little face.  She smiled back, and went to sit next to him, their knee's touching. 
The air buzzed with anticipation, carrying the promise of a night filled with laughter, music, and the magic of new beginnings.

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