Chap 2: Sad day for flower

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Solar wakes up just to find herself in the middle of the jungle, she looks confused. She stood up, look around and start wondering how did she ends up here.

"That's strange,  where am i" Solar asked herself

She turned around and saw a portal right behind her.

"The portal?! But why is it here?","it doesn't matter, i have to tell everyone"

Solar Flare starts to look around her and calls for her team.

"Green? Rose? Nightcap? Is anyone here?"

While she was trying to look for her teammates, a voice can be heard inside the portal.

"Solar..." said the mysterious voice

Solar was shocked cause she didnt recognize the voice, but she knows it came from the portal.

"Who's there? Do you need help?"

But no response, till she peak inside the portal. The voice starts to speak again.

"You should have listened to what Dave said"

"What are you-" Solar didn't finish her sentence then an arm reached out , grab her leaf and slowly pulled her inside the portal.

"Augh- let me go!" Solar groaned in pain.

She was so scared and started to call for help.

"GREEN? ROSE? DAVE? ANYONE HELP ME" Solar screams in fear.

But nobody came... she was the only one here. Solar noticed its no use and she going to be suck into the portal.

She started to tear up, tears spilt over and flowed down her face like a river escaping a dam. She know she might die then she yells

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE" as she woke up in her bed, she realized it was all a dream.

Green rush into Solar's room just to find solar crying on her bed. She was relief that nothing bad happened to her friend, she come near Solar and ask

"Solar... are you ok?"

Solar looked at Green eyes and starts crying louder, she hugged Green.

Green didn't know what to do other than hugging her back.

"I thought i lost you" said Solar

"It's ok, it was just all a dream, a bad dream."Said Green

Solar wipes her tears, Green stand up and says

"You should prepare for our mission, it was just a nightmare, dont let it ruins the mission"

Solar nodded and grabs her goggle,the dream still haunted her, it was the first time Solar has a nightmare.


Z-Mech came back to zomboss's lab , he walked from the jungle to the lab cause his robot suit was broken due to the portal , he was exhausted.

"Boss... i made it..."said Z-Mech

"You found where the portal located?" Said Zomboss.

Z-Mech looked at Zomboss with confidence

"Not yet. BUT! i found where the jungle is, the portal is inside the jungle,  it would be too risky for me to go there alone."

"Good enough.", "Soon this the world will be mine and there will be no plants in this planet!".

Zomboss excitingly presses a button,  reveal a robot that he has been working on.

"Behold! This will the the future of the zombies!"," all i need is to put the teleportation in the portal then everything this robot shoot at will be teleport in the portal!" Zomboss laughs darkly.

Zomboss look at Superbrain and nodded

"It's time"


Meanwhile the plant heroes are traveling to the jungle with Crazy Dave.

"I can only drop you guys as near the jungle as possible, the portal doesn't really like electric stuffs." Said Dave

"Is that why Citron and Beta home? Or you mean to 'protect' the neighborvillie from the zombies" Said Spudow

"Yea with Chompzilla" replied Dave

Rose look at Solar , she notices how Solar looks worried.

"Whats the problem, Solar?" Asked Rose

"Its nothing..." said Solar

Rose looks at Green Shadow, she knew Solar isn't fine, Solar rarely act like this.

"Green, why is Solar look so worried? Is it about the misson?"

"She had a nightmare, she never had one before... But its just a dream, it can't happen right?" Said Green Shadow

Rose took a deep breath and says

"Im a doctor, i don't know much about dream but it's just bunch of random images in your head.","she will get used to it, not like she's a fortune teller."

Green looks at Solar Flare, she never seen her friend this worried before.

"I hope so."

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