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"Staring at the same word isn't studying Dora" Evan pulled the book and shut it, making Pandora look at her twin annoyed.

"Certainly isn't going to help if it's closed" Pandora retorted. She leaned over the table trying to grab the book but Evan lifted it over the table and his head.

"I know you're worrying over Regulus, but you sitting here pretending to study isn't going to help anyone" He drops the book back on the table with a loud bang. Pandora groaned and dropped her head onto her arms. Evan thought it was a good idea to bring Pandora into the library while Barty was with Regulus. Madam Promfrey thought it would be better for fewer people to visit Regulus, especially with how weak he's gotten within a few hours.

"When Barty comes back you can go see him okay? But for now, try and study" Evan told her, pushing the stolen book back over to her. She lifted her head and grabbed the book, opening it to the page it was on earlier and tried to read. Evan watched her for a moment. She looked exhausted. She had dark circles under her eyes, which no longer had the same brightness that they used to have. Evan wasn't that surprised. She did know about Regulus longer than he did but it still worried him that his sister looked so different. Once he was convinced Pandora was reading the book in front of her, he looked away and at his book.

After finding out about Regulus and his disease, both Evan and Barty decided to do some research. There wasn't much in books besides Hanahaki flowers being useful for certain potions. Evan shuddered at the thought of using these types of ingredients and moved away from that topic. Anything either could find was similar to what they were told, either get the surgery or die. One thing they didn't know was who. Evan tried asking Pandora but all she said was 'Regulus will tell you when he's ready, and don't you or Barty try and drive it out of him'.

After an hour of studying, he felt someone drop into the chair beside him. He jumped and looked over and saw Barty. He was slumped over in his seat with his eyes closed for a few seconds before he looked up at Evan and gave him a small smile. Evan smiled back at him and then looked over at Pandora, who didn't realise Barty was even back. Barty reached out and grabbed the book from under her. She jumped slightly and looked up at Barty.

"What are you reading?" He closed the book and looked at the title. " 'Death Omens, know what to do when the worst is coming'. "Divination? Really?"

Pandora glared at him and grabbed the book back for the second time. "Evan told me to study so that's what I was doing" She scoffed. She pushed the book into her bag, along with a few other of her things and then pulled the bag over her shoulder. Evan looked at her confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see Reg, maybe he won't interrupt me while I'm trying to study" She gave them both a glare before leaving the library. They both watched her and then looked at each other.

"How was he?" Evan asked. Barty sighed and looked at his hands. Evan watched as he played with his fingers, trying to figure out a way to answer Evan.

"I don't think I've seen him that sick before" He whispered. "I'm scared Evan"

"I know, I am too"


Pandora walked into the hospital wing and gave a small wave to Madam Promfrey. She looked over at Regulus' bed to see the curtains closed. She looked at Madam Promfrey confused, wondering if Regulus was still awake. She gestured for Pandora to come over.

"He's fine, just a little tired. Take these in with you and make sure he drinks them" She told her, handing her a few potions. Pandora nodded and walked towards Regulus' bed, careful not to drop any potions. Without opening the curtains, she walked through the small gap and saw Regulus lying in bed, facing away from her. She placed the potions on the tableside, the noise alerting Regulus she was there. He turned around with an annoyed look but it quickly left when he realised it was Pandora. He smiled at her and tried to sit up but failed. Pandora quickly helped him up. She nearly froze when she felt how cold he was, but brushed it aside.

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