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Regulus decided the next day he would stay in his dorm for the day. In the morning, Regulus was questioned by Evan about the mess he left in the bathroom. Then a day turned into two days. Then turned into a week. He used the excuse that he was sick, which was technically true, but right now he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and talk to anyone. He would only talk to either Barty or Evan so they could get him some food but even then it was only a few words. Pandora tried a few times but he would just ignore her, keeping the curtains to his bed shut. Regulus was scared. He was scared to see Pandora and had to tell her it was getting worse. See Barty and Evan and continue to lie to them. See James and know that it's getting worse because he still had little hope he would feel the same.

"Hey Reg, we're heading to lessons now" Evan shouted from the other side of the curtain. Regulus made a sound to let him know he heard which was shortly followed by the sound of the dorm door opening and closing. Regulus knew his two roommates were worried about him. Regulus forgot to clean up the mess he left in the bathroom and was questioned about it by Barty the day after, but Regulus didn't let anything slip, just ignored them and stayed in bed.

Once Regulus was sure they left, he opened the curtains and went to the bathroom, quickly changing into his Slytherin jumper and some black trousers. Once he thought himself presentable, he went over to the dorm door and opened it slightly. He looked around to make sure no one was there and left. After a week of staying in bed, Regulus felt a little restless but he still didn't want to talk to anyone so the next best thing was to take a walk around the castle grounds. Regulus was glad everyone was in class, it meant the Hogwarts grounds would be quiet and no one would interrupt him.

Regulus relaxed once he made it out of the castle doors without anyone noticing him and made his way towards the Black Lake. He followed the edge of the lake, watching the lake ripple slightly with the wind. After a few minutes of walking, he sighed and decided to sit under a tree for a moment. Regulus rested his head against the tree behind him and closed his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. He started to doze off slightly when he heard a twig snap behind him. Regulus quickly learned around the tree to see what made the sound. In front of him was Sirius, looking back at him frozen. Regulus groaned and stood up.

"What do you want?" Regulus asked, wiping any dirt off himself. Sirius didn't say anything, continuing to stare at him. "Sirius?"

"You haven't been to lessons" Was all that Sirius said. Regulus rolled his eyes.


"That isn't like you at all Reg," Sirius told him. Regulus thought he sounded worried but ignored it.

"You don't know anything about me Sirius, not anymore," Regulus said as he walked past Sirius. Before Regulus could get far, he felt something grabbed his wrist. He looked down to see Sirius' hand stopping him.

"Why do you keep trying to walk away? I'm trying to fix this Regulus" Sirius huffed. Regulus snatched his wrist out of Sirus' hand and walked back to the spot he was in before, sitting down and hinting for Sirius to sit next to him. Sirius looked at him confused before he slowly sat down next to him. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Regulus started to speak.

"I'm sorry about how everything went down last time we talked" Regulus whispered. Sirius looked at Regulus in shock.

"Why are you saying sorry?" He asked.

"I was making it all about me the entire fight. You were right, I could have done something to stop her-" Sirius quickly stopped Regulus.

"We were both kids Regulus, neither of us could have done anything. You were right and I was just too upset to not listen. If anything I should apologise to you" Sirius said to him. Regulus shook his head.

Orchids and Sunflowers | JegulusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora