Candy Chain; FlamerMinho❕

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Candy Chain


Jungwon gives Jay a candy necklace because he thinks it's cute.

Jay hates it.

Jungwon takes pity on him and helps get rid of it by eating it while it's still around his neck.

the fic is pretty much the summery but with more words.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:
"Jay hyung~" was probably going to be the last thing Jay heard before he died. Whether it be because his younger members finally pestered him to the point his heart decided to quit or he outright gave his life to save them from their own idiotic tendencies could only be determined by the next words out of their mouths.

Today, the titular "Jay hyung," had come from someone Jay would stop time for no matter how impossible it was, though he'd never outright admit it. Jungwon had stopped him as he passed by, reaching and grabbing him by the sleeve of his shirt. Jay's stride stuttered to a halt, looking down at Jungwon who sat in the stylist's chair, waiting like the rest of them for when they would be called to the stage. Jay stood silently, watching him retracting his hand back with a sly grin on his face as he reached into his pockets.

Instead of saying anything that would make Jay reactively recoil, Jungwon simply pulled out a plastic packet, crinkling as he handled it. It held what seemed to be rainbow candy, although it was far too neat as the individual pellets were all lined up in two distinct rows. Jay's first thought was that he was offering him something to eat, even as Jungwon ripped the packaging open and pulled the candy out, letting Jay see exactly what he was holding out to him with an expectant look.

So it didn't even take verbal communication for Jay to back away from this exchange, which was a first. He was caught before he could get far in his plan of pretending he never even saw anything with Jungwon standing from his seat, unable to get out what he wanted to say as he held back his laughter. Jay was suddenly happy it was only them in the dressing room, saving him from embarrassment from the members who were in the waiting room and would no doubt egg on the situation.

"Hyung, come on," he tried to reason, confirming what Jay had suspected as soon as he registered what Jungwon had in his hand was a piece of jewelry. More specifically, an edible necklace made of candy held together by a piece of string. "It's fashionable,"

It was ridiculous. Childish. Stupid. He wouldn't be caught dead in it. He wasn't going to bend to the universe overlords who were obsessed with him doing "cute" shit. Just wasn't gonna happen. Jay couldn't even help the grimace that crossed his features when in the process of averting his eyes from the necklace he saw a matching bracelet on Jungwon's wrist.

And fashionable? In what world was washed-out rainbow jewelry, edible and made for babies or not, considered fashionable?

"No, no it's not," Jay tried to pull from Jungwon's grip only to be immediately pulled closer.

"It is on you," it seemed Jay didn't have a choice in the matter since Jungwon didn't ask before he stretched the elastic string wide enough for it to fit over his head and snap back around his neck. It was more like a choker than anything since it was made for 5-year-olds and not grown men.

"I hate this, it's too small," Jay made his thoughts known as he pulled on the necklace, trying to alleviate the feeling of pressure on his throat. Shaking his head, he caught sight of himself in the mirror and scowled. "And it's so ugly,"

"No, it's not, you're just saying that," Jungwon looked at him through the mirror, smiling at his frustration at the fact that no matter how much Jay complained, he wouldn't take it off since Jungwon was the one to put it on him. Jay was too predictable when it came to him.

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