In Alyssa's Room, Alyssa, Jace and Luke were all sleeping when Baela  and Rhaena woke them up and Rhaena said "Alyssa, Alyssa, someone stole Vhaghar." 

Alyssa said "What?". 

Rhaena said "Come on" and Alyssa said "Wake up." 


Aemond was walking back when Jace,Alyssa,  Luke and Rhaena and Baela caught up to him and Alyssa said "Who would steal a dragon, I mean who can steal a draogon." 

 Rhaena said "It's him."

Aemond said "It's me."

Alyssa said"Aemond, you, wait, he didn't steal it, He claimed it." 

Rhaena said " Vhagar is my mother's dragon."

Aemond said "Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now."

Rhaena said "She was mine to claim."

Aemond said "Then you should've claimed her. Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you."

Rhaena punched him and he threw her off and Baela punched him.

Alyssa said "Stop." 

Aemond pushed Rhaena back.

Aemond said "Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!."

Jace pushed him back and punched him and Alyssa said "Jace, enough, someone is going to get hurt." 

And so did Rhaena and Baela. Luke ran up and Alyssa said "Luke don't." 

Luke tried to hit him back and Aemond punched Luke breaking his nose and Jace tried to stop him but Aemond pushed him back. 

Rhaena and Baela were on their floor and Alyssa said "Aemond , let him go." 

Aemond said "Your brother attacked me, if your wise, Alyssa, stand back" and Alyssa said "It was wrong, let him go." 

Aemond broke Luke's nose and Aemond said "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards."

Luke crying said "My father's still alive."

Aemond said "He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?" and Jace took out a dagger.

Alyssa said "Jace, don't." 

Aemond pushed him back and went to grab the dagger towards Luke and Alyssa tackled him to the ground and Aemond said "You little." 

Alyssa said "This is enough, Luke, go get help" and Aemond pushed her off and Alyssa fell to the ground hitting her head. She looked up and Aemond grabbed her and was holding her back and she tried to push him off but he grabbed her wrist. 

Aemond said "Stay down, Alyssa, I won't hurt you, but your just as much of a bastard as they are." 

Jace said "Get away from my sister" and Aemond grabbed a rock and Alyssa said "Aemond, stop it." 

Aemond said "You want to defend them so badly, go ahead, defend them, but I warn you, don't make me hurt." 

Alyssa said "Get off me." 

Luke grabbed the dagger and Aemond grabbed the rock and held it up towards Alyssa's head and Alyssa tried to push him off but Aemond was stronger. 

Jace, Baela and Rhaena tried to move up and Aemond said "Going to attack, Bastard" and Jace said "Let her go." 

Aemond said "Get any closer, and she'll have scars." 

Jace said "Leave her alone, all she's ever done is be kind to you" and Aemond said "That's why I won't hurt her much." 

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