Periods suck, but thats why you have a furnace for a husband

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Fluff, periods, and a big ass husbando

You stare blankly at the microwave, watching the time go down while it softly hums.

Inside is your 'menstruation crustacean' heating pad, the microwave warming it up so you can use it.

This time of the month is the worst.

Your uterus is homophobic, absolutly definitely.

You're just trying to be gender nuetral here, and then your uterus just decides to force your period upon you.

You flinch with a wince when you hear the microwave beep before very quickly opening it and pulling out your heating pad.

You then slightly waddle back to the bedroom, opening the door and not bothering to close it as you walk into the fluffy carpeted floor as you walk over to the larger than normal bed, then flop down onto it with a whimper on your side.

You then let out a soft groan of satisfaction, relaxing as you sink into the matress a little bit.

You then place the heating pad on your abdomen with a sigh, the warmth comforting you.

You still feel a tad bit like shit, but now you feel a bit better.

In fact, you think you could have a nap.

You yawn as soon as you have that thought.

Alrihht then, nap it is.

Carefully you reach over to your nightstand and put your earbuds in, before grabbing your phone, turning your music on, and then yawning again, putting your phone back on the nightstand and laying back down.

You settle down in the bed, relaxing again and closing your eyes with a sigh, before falling asleep a bit quicker than usual.


You groan at the cramping feeling in your lower area. 

Guess you should probably go take some pills again.

Your heating pad has lost its warmth anyway.

You sigh and get up with a grimace before slowly waddling back out of the room, back to the kitchen, which is one of the closest rooms to rhe front door.

You open go over to the microwave and put the heating pad in it once again, starting it up before going over to the cupboard full of pills.

Due to the music playing directly into your ears, you dont hear the front door opening.

You pull out a couple pills, because just one is definitely not gonna work, before filling a glass of water.

You sip some of it before popping the pills into your mouth, swallowing, and then drinking the rest of the water.

You then stand in front of the microwave, waiting for it to stop so you can have your heating pad back.

After about a minute you suddenly you flinch, feeling a couple arms around your mid section and feel a couple familiarly large hands hands carefully pluck your earbuds out of your ears.

One of the hands of the other two arms rest on your abdomen, slowly becoming a warmer more comforting temperature.

You very quickly and easily relax, hearing a purr in your ear once you do so.

"Hello, my firefly...~"

You let out a soft hum, nuzzling the back of your head into the chest behind you, the warm hand on your abdomen very comforting.

"Mm...hi Clipsy"

He softly chuckles at the familiar nickname before kissing your neck a bit.

"You're so cute darling~"

You softly giggle at his words before your breath hitches as he scoops you up, one of his hands still on your abdomen.

"I dont think you need your heating pad anymore, so lets get you back to bed, alright firefly...~"

You softly hum before nodding, nuzzling your head into his chest with a soft yawn.

He chuckles, not even bothering to grab the heating pad when the microwave goes off, carrying you back to the bedroom.

He sets you down while kicking off his shoes and taking off his jacket, before untying his necktie and unbuttoning his shirt.

He then climbs onto the bed with a purr before gently grabbing you, hugging you to his chest while laying on his side.

He places a soft kiss on your forehead, his purrs increasing against your back while he softly and comfortingly caresses your abdomen.

You hold onto one of his hands with a soft satisfied sigh, your hand small compared to his.

You then yawn again, causing him to chuckle softly again.

He then leans in and gives you a small soft kiss on your lips before whispering reassuringly into your ear with a purr.

"Sleep, my darling~ I'll be here when you wake up again"

He then starts humming into your ear, retracting his claws to caress you more easily, lulling you further towards sleep.

You feel your eyelids getting heavier and you yawn a bit again before placing a kiss on the thumb of his hand that you're holding, then finally relaxing fully in his hold.

You let your eyes close and your consciousness slip away as your lover purrs and caresses you comfortingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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