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Kate woke up early in the morning with a call from Kevin. He was basiaclly just checking up on her. Kate knew that he was just being nice to her because of the whole situation, so she played it cool too. She told herself that she'd deal with her Kevin situation once she has dealt with this one.
Thandi knocked on her door and came in the room.
"Hey sweetheart..." Thandi said as she gave Kate a warm kiss on the forehead.

Kate kissed her back. "Hey mama...our plan is a go, but the issue is that she wants us to meet at her house" Kate continued. "She said she will be alone so I guess that's something."

"That's still perfect honey" Thandi said as she gave Kate a warm hug. "I want you to know that I'm not forcing you to do this with me, I just-"

"No mama" Kate interrupted. "I want to do this. This girl played me, she betrayal our loyalty. I don't even think that she was my bestfriend, this whole time she was just trying to get in dad's pants. I'm willing to help."

"Well, if you say so, then I'd be glad to have your help. She has to suffer the consequences of her actions. This will teach her to leave married men alone." Thandi said with a smile on her face.

"You're sure it won't kill her right?" Kate asked.

"Nope. I'm a nurse, I'll patch her up just good." Thandi winked.

"Lock the doors, close the windows and I think that should be it..." Portia said as she was leaving for work.

"Okay, have a good day today" Lusy said as she was closing up the curtains.
She stood at the door until her mother let the driveway. When all was clear, she quickly texted Kate to let her know it was all clear.

"I just have to wait for dad to go to work" Kate replied.

Lucy had a weird feeling about this.
"Isn't your mom suppose to go to work too?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, her too." Kate replied.

Why wouldn't she mention that both her parents had to go to work? Lucy thought to herself. Maybe she was just being paranoid, but at the same time, she had every right to be.

"You seem everything okay?" Cathy asked as she wrapped her arms aaround Kevin. She came over last night. They did have sex, just with a condom on this time.

"Do I? I think I'm okay." Kevin replied, hoping that will convince her. He did not want to explain the whole story to her because it will then lead to Cathy knowing the truth about Kate and him.

She placed her face on his chest and looked him in the eyes. "Don't forget that I know you Kevin, something is wrong."

"My's going throught some stuff with his family and I guess I'm the one he gets to take out all his shit on" he lied.

"You mean Walter? What could he possibly be going through either than many women" Cathy teased.
Kevin let out a little laugh. He forgot how funny Cathy can be at times.

"Well that is one of the situations, but this time it's bigger...his daughter is even seeking cormfort from me because there's no where else she can find it."

"Isn't her bestfriend Lindy or something like that around to cormfort her..." Cathy asked.

"You know how girls are, they fight most of the time so yeah, right now she only has me. I hope you won't mind seeing her around here often" Kevin suggested.

"Why would I need to feel threatened by a little girl?" Cathy teased again.

"Right" Kevin agreed. In his mind, he disagreed with her, of course she should be threatened by Kate.
"I better get ready for work, who knows what mood the boss will bring today."

When he arrived, to his suprise, he found Walter in his office, sitting on his chair as if he had been waiting for him.

"I was hoping you'd arrive soon enough" Walter said as he placed his hands together on Kevin's table as if he was about to propose a business deal.

"Right...traffic these days is just a nightmare" Kevin replied anxiously. "Do you need help with something boss?" He asked.

"I want to know why you took my daughter out of school and took her her bestfriend house" he was struggling to say Lucy's name out loud.
"But where you took her is not my corncern, why are you hanging around my daughter, is my concern.."

Kevin could feel the room around him getting smaller. He had to maintain himself or else he would give it off if he said the wrong thing. "Kate tried to reach you while I was at work and you were not there, so her only hope was me. I didn't want to help her, but she said that something had happened in the house pertaining to Lucy and ahe needed to find out."

"Don't say that name around here!" Walter snapped. "If Kate's mother did not want her to see Lucy, what made you think that you could decide that she could!?"

"I'm sorry boss, but at the time, Kate never mentioned it..." Kevin was sweating and Walter could almost sense the fear in his voice.

His story made sense, but Walter did not want to let him go off that easy. After all, he is part of the sistuation now that he knows and Walter felt like he could use him to his advantage.

"Mmmh...I hear you. I want you to do something for me. Now you know what's going on, which means you also know what might happen. I need you to keep a close eye on Lu- shit, I mean her and make sure she doesn't get hurt. Just until they move, which is probably going to be in two days time. Can you do that for me?"

Kevin knew he had to do it, even though he did not want to.
"Yes sir, I think I can do that."

"DUD! DUD! DUD!" Lucy heard a knock on the door. It must be Kate.

I'm coming!" Lucy shouted as she got of the couch and headed to the door. She opened it and Kate was standing there with a smile on her face. She wore long black tights, and a black hoodie where she coverd her head with the hat part of it. It was as if she's trying to hide her face.

Lucy hugged her and they both entered the house.

"Before you say anything, I just want you to know that I'm really sorry, and I know that's not enough for the damage that I have caused. I need you to know that you were no pawn in this whole thing, you are my bestfriend and I love you. I know I hurt you and your mom, but none of it was ever intentional, none of it was planned. I'm really sorry Kate. I don't think I can express this any futher, but I'm sorry. I liked your dad, I did alot, but-"

Before she could finish, a wet cloth covered her face, next thing you know, she is passed out.

Kate did it. She couldn't let her finish her speech, it was disgusting with each word. She was going to wait till her Thandi got here to give her a bit of a scare before she drugged her, but her anger couldn't allow it.

"Well that was quick, I was hoping you'd wait for me..." Thandi said as she walked into the house. "Either way, I'm still proud of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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