Fear Thandi 2

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Kate woke up at 3 am just to get ready for school so that she does not have to bump into her mother. And if she was being honest with herself, she barely got any sleep. She feared that her mother might come suffocate her in her sleep. How did it come to this? The fact that she had to be on high alert because her own mother might do bad things to her. She had to find out and hopefully she could get Lucy to explain everything at school.

"What are you doing?" Portia asked Lucy as she saw her getting ready for school.

"Hawu, I am getting ready for school..." Lucy replied in annoyance as to why her mother would ask such an obvious question.

"I really don't think it's a good idea Lucy...Thandi could be anywhwere, waiting to pounce on you. Just wait till we move."

"Mama I said I'm not moving, what don't you understand about that?" Lucy said in annoyance.

"No! You don't understand that your life is in danger! And that if Thandi sees you on sight, she'll murder you without a doubt!! And you stand there thinking that Walter is gonna stop her because you think he 'loves' you soo much and little do you know that Walter makes every women that comes across him feel that way!! That man does not care about you, he never will and he never did!" Portia snapped and left the room. She was fuming by now, she felt like she still needed to say more so she went back inside.

"You're 16 and this whole time you have been sleeping with a married man! Shame on you Lucy!" Portia spat.

"Oh and what about you mom!? His dick just happened to fall inside you too while he is married!? Please, have some decorum!" Lucy spat back at her mom. This time the annoyance turned into anger. She was hurt at the fact that her mother would even say such things to her.

"Watch how you speak to me you little bitch! I am your mother! I'm the only one who knows what's best for you! And if you're not careful, I can go to the police and report your so called lover for rape, cause I'm pretty sure ya'll didn't just start fucking yesterday!" Portia shouted and left the room once again.

Lucy stood their in shock and hurt. How could her own mother say this to her? She would accept it from anyone, but her mother? That really hurt her.

Kate realized that Lucy wasn't coming to school anytime today. That made her more anxious. She really needed to vent and since Kevin and her weren't really on good terms and Lucy not being at school was just a dead end.
She was willing to risk it all again today, she was planning on going back to Lucy's house today, she had to find out what really happened. Would Lucy tell her though? After all, she did sleep with Kate's father and what would Kate understand about that?

"Where's Kate?" Thandi asked as she noticed she was not in her room.

"She left early to school" Walter replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What happened yesterday? Why was Kate acting weird?" Walter asked as he stopped sipping on his coffee to look at how Thandi's going react.

"Oh nothing, she said that she had a fight with Lucy or something like that" Thandi said with a straight face.

It was pointless for Walter to try and find out what happened from Thandi. She was so good at acting, it was almost impossible to read her.

"Oh, well I'll check on Lucy then" Walter said as he stared closely at her reaction so that he could notice any switch in emotion.

"I don't think Kate will be happy with that, they just fought and now you want to interfere in girl's cat fights?" Thandi said, still sounding normal as ever as if Walter mentioning going to see Lucy didn't shift her rib two steps up. She still played it cool.

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