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George Clarke | 6.30am 12th nov 2023

I wake up to my bloody evil alarm for the third time and decide I should probably actually get up now. Sleep has been tricky for years, my bed always feels alone and I hate that all I want is for him to be in there with me, to see his smile and be able to kiss him, just the normal stuff. Todays the day we head for Mallorca and to be honest, I'm beyond excited, I just couldn't show it because I am not a morning person. I stretch once more before sliding out of bed and getting changed.


Television 📺
Morning everyone! Todays the day!!

How on earth are you so awake?! I almost smashed my phone turning off my alarm, way too early for this shit

I just didn't sleep because then I didn't have to wake up

Kind of clever yk

Bog roll
Im absolutely shattered lads, see you all at the airport I'm about to nap in the uber
Liked by Cam, He'sAlex, Television 📺 and two more

I walk through the airport, dragging my suitcase with a big struggle. I check my phone as it buzzes with Arthurs's special ringtone 'i see you!' It says and I look around to see him smiling and waving at him. "Morning you!" I say, whilst embracing him in a weirdly awkward hug. For some reason, things felt... Different. I let go and look at him for a minute and he looks right back, we kind of stare until we're barged by a group of our friends.

"Oioi lads" Cam says, patting me on the back. "Looks like you were having a moment then" Chris MD continues, giggling. I look at Arthur and we both laugh awkwardly. What the hell was that? What just happened? Am I stupid or did he just look at my lips? Revisit later.

Arthur Frederick|11.30am 12th nov 2023

The plane journey to Mallorca was fun, we occupied exactly one row, me George and harry on one side with Chris cam and Alex on the other. We shared laughs the whole time but it wasn't a long flight as Mallorca isn't that far from England.

"Hey truth or dare George" i say, slowly lifting up my camera "what are we, children?" George laughed, before answering "dare." "You've fell right in my trap! I dare you to clap when the plane lands." I begin to laugh as the whole row joins in. George complains and begins to dread our landing. When we hit the ground, he does as instructed but no one joins in, making it incredibly awkward as he instantly hangs his head, i make a mental note to post that later as we get off the plane into the unfamiliar heat.

Me and the boys split off into two Ubers to our villa, where we meet again half an hour later. It's massive, and it makes me shocked that we have this place to ourselves. "So we're gonna share two in a room lads" cam explains, making me nod my head "Arthur?" George inquires, to which I raise my eyes slightly, before agreeing and hurrying off with him to get first dibs on the room.

When our decision is made, we flop down on our beds and take a second to breathe in, excited for the five days ahead, five days of getting shitfaced and soaking in the sun, because what more could a man want? We're silent for a good few minutes before I speak up. "We're going to that game in a minute so id get changed if you're wanting to" "oh yeah, you're right I will do" and he leans down, unzips his suitcase and picks up an outfit, before throwing on his clothes, i didn't think much of him doing it in the room with me, i mean we're best friends! But I did begin to blush, which I had to hide by looking into my own suitcase, rummaging for an outfit.

We met the boys downstairs within a few minutes and we're on our way to the football match, where we were given a tour and got some food. Mallorca we're up against Barcelona and we were having a great time watching, even meeting some fans whilst we were there. "Smile!" Chris shouts, making me pose with George, smiling as l rested my arm on his shoulder. I liked the photo so asked him to send me it, which he did. I smiled and decided to post it on my story

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