limping professor

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Gusu university

There are more than 200 students in a class room.They were all engrossed in their midst, with one person in particular standing in front of them entertaining everyone.The boy was so handsome that every girl in college had a crush on him.Even boys like him. Why not like him! The boy is very handsome, tall, manly build, pale skin,Pink colored lips and a small mole under it make everyone more attractive.

The boy looks like an angel in every way who may have accidentally landed here from heaven.

The boy looks like an angel in every way who may have accidentally landed here from heaven

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Xiao Zhan .

The only beloved son of a rich businessman father.His mother died in an accident when he was young and his father never remarried.He was a very naughty and spoiled boy in his childhood due to his father's excessive love.But everyone was captivated by his charming innocent look and no matter how mischievous he was, everyone fell in love with his charming look.

Currently he is a student of this university and is having less fun sitting in his room hanging out with his friends.Just then, a student's voice from behind everyone heard, " limping Professor wang is coming"

As soon as he said this, everyone sat down in their seats without a moment's delay.

The room that was so noisy and chaotic a moment ago is now completely silent.
Soon a handsome man arrived there, his face was very cold.And with his appearance, the atmosphere became cold.The man limped in front of all the students.However, this limping habit of his has been going on for about two months. At first he was completely healthy but for these two months no one knew the reason for his condition.Many asked the reason, but Professor Wang mistreated them so that later no one dared to ask.

Many asked the reason, but Professor Wang mistreated them so that later no one dared to ask

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Wang yibo

Professor of Political Science Department of Hons.

Currently he is a married man

Professor Wang adjusted his glasses and glanced at all the students.
Just then his eyes caught an innocent look on a bunny smile.The professor's chest began to thump on seeing that smile, but the professor avoided him.

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