Sushi Sister Part 2

Start from the beginning

Back to Both Chapa

OC: Wait... So, nobody is here?

C: I guess so.

OC: Then we can do... You-Know-What.

Back to Man Nest, where Mika, Miles, Bose, and Schowz are there

MI: Guys, be ready! I think they're going to do some Sushi Sister stuff!

(Miles and Schowz hold up their recorder and camera)

Back to Both Chapa

C: Ooh... you mean...

OC: Making some pranking stuff.

Back to Man Nest

MI: Oh, come on!


B: What...what did they do?

MI: Just keep listening to music.

B: Okay...

Back to Both Chapa

OC: Add the boogers to the cup...

C: Why do you put the boogers to the cup?

OC: Not the real boogers...the fake one.

C: Ohhh...

OC: And we throw at that camera over there.

Back to Man Nest


M: Literally, how could she see that? (Turning to Schowz)

S: Well...

MI: Don't say that this was one of your rarest twin experiments.

S: That was one of my rarest twin experiments.

(Mika superscream at Schowz)


(Time flies)

Mika pov.

MI: So! Since we failed our first plan because of someone...

(Mika and Miles turn to Schowz)

S: I got a thousand bee stings because you screamed in the hive direction.

MI: Not exactly the thousand. Anyway, we need Bose for the second plan.

B: Why me?

MI: You just need to distract them. That's all.

B: So...I just talk to them?

M: Yeah, but don't say 'Mika and Miles told me to distract you guys'.

B: Okay.

MI: You need to meet them at Hip Hop Purée in 3 minutes. So go now!

B: Okay.

(Bose left)

MI: Okay. Miles, you need to teleport me and Schowz to both Chapa's house and see if they live in the Sushi Building.

M: I don't know about that... You know Sushi Sister has every single sushi building in every country.

MI: Okay, change of plan. We need to snoop through their bags and see if they have the world smallest book. It's says that the last world smallest book is in possession of Sushi Sister.

S: Okay, that was the smart plan, and I think I can get their bags, but...

MI: What?

M: How are we going to manage the attacks after they find out that we have been snooping through their bags?

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