First Appearance

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--Author Notes--

This is the episode that when the Omega Weapon explode and Mika, Miles, Bose and Chapa get their power.


Other Chapa pov.

Seriously when Chapa is coming back to home!! It is past 7 and she didn't come back yet. I saw her going to Swellview Mountain. Probably going to kick the kicking stump, whatever those are. Maybe there might be a trouble at there? According to rarest twin rule no. 387, if you think your twin sister or brother having a trouble, you should check it out. Maybee I should go there. Maybeee.

(CM: Chapa Mom, OC: Other Chapa)

CM: Hey honey, did you see Chapa?

OC: Nope.

CM: Are you sure?

OC: Nope.

CM: Well, you better find her.

OC: Definitely not.


OC: (rolling her eyes) Fine.

CM: Did you just... (Door slam)... (Sigh) whatever she's gone.

Still Other Chapa pov.

Well, since my mom FORCE me to go find her I am going to Swellview Mountain. When I almost past to Planes-a-Plenty, I saw black boy, black girl, and Chapa. Chapa! I follow her to Planes-a-Plenty and hid one of the box. Inside was so cold that I wear black hoodie with hood over my head. 


Then, I saw Chapa and 3 children fighting with

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Then, I saw Chapa and 3 children fighting with...Drex? I heard he once were sidekick with Captain Men and also indestructible. Huh?

Chapa pov.

I was tied up with Mika, Miles, Bose, and Schowz. Then I saw someone behind the box. Who's that? Then I saw a black hoodie. Wait. Isn't that my sis hoodie? O my, did she followed us? I try to tell other that there is someone else that could help us, but Miles cut the rope so I don't have any chance to talk.

Other Chapa pov.

I just saw Chapa looking at my direction and make an I-know-you-are-hiding face. Fortunately, black boy cut the rope so yes! I'm not in trouble yet! Then, Omg! Is that Kid Danger and Captain Men?! I'm really going to talk to them. Maybee getting some autograph?

(MI: Mika, C: Chapa, KD: Kid Danger)

MI: Do you did help?

KD: No...

MI: Kid Danger need HELP!

(Miles, Bose, Chapa run toward to Omega Weapon)

Still Other Chapa pov.

Yes! This is my chance to help Kid Danger and...Probably Captain Men I guess. I run toward to Omega Weapon to help out.

(1 second before Omega Weapon explode)

C: Wait...What?!!

(Omega Weapon explode)

--The End--

Did you enjoy?

So the other part are same as the original episode.

The part when Chapa said "Wait...What?!!" she said it exactly when the Omega Weapon explode.

If you have any question or comments, you are free to write it at comments!

See you next chapter!

Double-Chapa (Danger Force)Where stories live. Discover now