First Battle

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--Author Notes--

Hi again! (I don't know why I kept saying it every begining lol)

This is Other Chapa's first battle


Other Chapa pov.

(MI: Mika, M: Miles, B: Bose, C: Chapa, OC: Other Chapa, S: Schowz, R: Ray)

OC: What is your hardest thing with fighting crime? Oh and who would you choose if you want to be a supervillain. And did Shout Out actually break the wall of Swellview Prison?

C: Ray is fighting with us, Eww no way I would be supervillain, and yes she did.

OC: You didn't answer the second question correctly.

MI: Just leave her alone. And I didn't did it on purpose!

OC: Oh really? Then why are you so excited that you break the wall of Swellview Prison and letting all the villains out?

M: She was only excited about her power.

OC: Sooo you didn't think about effects that your power caused?

M: I didn't think of that. Do you really didn't think the causes, Mika?

MI: I break wall of Swellview Prison with my superpower.

OC: That is what you are saying that you don't care Swellview but only your superpower?

MI: No that isn't what I mean...

OC: Then what do you mean Mika?

(Emergency Bell goes off)

S: Aiiiee someone help meee.

M: What's wrong?

S: I try to clone Chapa the young one but Clone Chapa attack me with her power.

C: Why?

S: She said she should be the only Clone Chapa here.

OC: Ooooh exactly like my twin sister.

C: Shut up Laser Gun Hurricane Vanisher Human Ghost Witch Zappy Bouncy.

B: What is she saying?

OC: You won't understand. Just ignore her.

B: Umm okay?

M: But Schowz we can't help with Clone Sparky. We also need to fight crime and Ray is dating with Chapa's Mom.

OC: Even though we zapped him million times.

S: Maybe we can split up?

MI: So me, Miles and Schowz would take care of Clone Chapa, while Chapa and Bose would take care of emergency calls.

OC: What about me?

MI: You can...either help me, Miles, and Schowz with Clone Chapa, or help your twin sister and Bose.

OC: I think I should go with emergency calls.

MI: Got it.

M: What about her gumball?

S: I can make it but it will take 1 day.

OC: I can use my twin sister's gumball. You know, Volt's twin sister.

MI: Okay so you guys take care of emergency call.

(Mika, Miles, and Schowz goes to Clone Room)


C: Whatever. So something is going on at Toilet Factory?

OC: Probably Toddler. I heard that he is making some machine that need to fuel by toilet water.

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