Chapter 7

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"That's a great idea, Charlie!" Lucifer replied with a wide smile on his face. "Since the old one did get destroyed in the battle and we rebuilt a new one, it's only right that a grand reopening for this new hotel is a must!" He encouraged her as he clapped his hands.

"You really think so?" Charlie inquired as she perked up from her seat. Her eyes glimmered, looking hopeful, as she smiled back at her father.

"I know so, my little duckling! We can brainstorm ideas about it together!" Lucifer excitedly offered.

He was already thinking it would be a bonding experience for the two of them, as father and daughter work together on amazing and brilliant ideas for the future of the new Hazbin hotel. It would just be the two of them, a chalkboard at the ready, colorful chalks at their disposal, along with stacks of blank papers and dozens of colorful crayons for them to draw and write their ideas down. He remembered clearly how, when Charlie was younger, they would do lots of fun and colorful drawings together back then. Lucifer really wanted to rekindle and fix his frail relationship with his daughter. He really wanted to be a better parent and a present father figure that would always support her dreams, whatever lies in store for the future. He couldn't even remember why he easily gave up in the past, trying to fully reconnect with his daughter after she slowly started to drift away from him. He should have known that his ridiculous phone calls weren't enough. Lucifer wanted to hit himself for how stupid he was to think doing phone calls would be enough for his little duckling. But he's here now, and that's what truly matters; right now is what matters. From now on, he will be a better father. He will protect her, support her, care for her, encourage her, pick her up when she falls, spoil her, and love her with all he has to offer.

The sound of Charlie squealing in her seat jolted Lucifer out of his reverie.

"Yes! Brainstorming! This will be so much fun! I'll get Vaggie to join and prepare us some papers, pens, and crayons!" She sang with glee, and his daughter's eyes sparkled.

Well, it looks like it won't just be the two of them as father and daughter, but Maggie is welcome to join since she is Charlie's girlfriend. The two are almost inseparable. Lucifer noticed that it was rare to see one without the other. It would also be nice to have a chance to talk and get to know more about his fellow fallen angel as well.

Charlie's eyes suddenly got wider as an idea popped into her head. She gasped so dramatically loud that Lucifer worried she had choked on her pancake.

"We'll brainstorm it together with the others! Oh, it will be even more fun that way! We'll make it a bonding experience for everyone as we share ideas with each other! Yes! Yes! I'll get everyone gathered in the lobby right after they have their breakfast, of course! Oh! I'll wake up Vaggie and tell her right now! We're going to need more crayons and papers for this!" Charlie rambled with a big smile on her face.

Lucifer's own smile then became strained as he tried his best not to show his daughter that he wasn't thrilled about that idea. The plan was for them to spend time together alone. He wanted this time to be with only his daughter. But now he's going to have to deal with all the other hotel residents, not that he had anything against them. Lucifer could get along with most of them, all except for one sinner.

"Charlie dear," Lucifer's voice cracked. He nervously laughed as he cleared his throat before speaking any further. "By everyone, do you mean everyone?" He asked, emphasizing the last word that he almost wheezed out.

"Yeah, everyone!" Charlie replied to confirm, unaware of the scowl that draped all over her father's face at the answer. "Angel, Husk, Nifty, Vaggie, and, of course, Alastor! Maybe even Cherri if she comes by the hotel today." She added, counting with her fingers.

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