Start from the beginning

The pair turned back to the photo booth, deciding to go with no mods for realism's sake, and chatted about what they should do for the photos. Kagami browsed through the props they could use, picking up a pair of sunglasses and fake mustaches on sticks, offering them to him with a hopeful smile.

Instead of answering, he took them from her hands and slipped them onto his face. She grinned and followed suit, leading him into the booth. They ended up taking several photos, some with props and some without.

A silly photo where they were both cross-eyed and sticking their tongues out, another silly one where they wore the sunglasses with the mustache stick held above their pursed lips. A goofy photo that featured Kagami jumping onto Tadano's back, a look of surprise crossing his face. Another where they held up peace signs with matching grins.

But her personal favorite photo was one that Tadano had picked out the props for. He had pointed it out hesitantly, but Kagami was quick to agree, slipping the purple furry cat ears onto her head, and handing him the matching red pair. In this particular photo, they stood close together, cat ears perched on their heads, and their hands up by their faces, in loosely held fists to resemble cat paws.

They made sure to print two copies, one for each of them, and as Tadano was the only one who had a phone, sent his personal favorites to him, with the promise of emailing them to Kagami when he got home.

On their way out, Tadano paused by the keychain machine. "Komi-san looked like she really wanted one... Should I try to get her one?" Kagami nodded, watching as he walked over, inserted some money, and began to operate the machine.

She watched in anticipation as the claw descended and closed. Luck seemed to be on his side, as the claw came up with not one, but two keychains. Tadano chuckled lowly as he bent down to get them from the machine. "I was going to try to get two keychains anyways, because I noticed that you wanted one too, but it seems like today is my lucky day."

Kagami froze in place, color flooding her face. It shouldn't surprise her how much he noticed, but it did every time, and it was always the same. Incredibly sweet. He extended his arm, holding out the tabby cat keychain and pocketing the black cat one.

"Thank you..." It was Tadano's turn to flush, leaving him stuttering and rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, please." Kagami nodded, then turned back towards the machine, deciding something on the spot. Retrieving some money, she fed it to the claw machine, and tried her hand at it. She was determined to get Tadano a keychain for himself, especially since he went through all the trouble of getting one for her and Shouko.

Tadano watched her in confusion as she operated the machine. Did she not like the keychain I got her? Should I have offered her the black cat keychain? Before he could spiral any further, Kagami was standing in front of him, holding out a gray cat keychain.

He stared at it in confusion, leaving her to huff, grab his hand, and force the keychain into it. "For you. You won a keychain for Shouko and I, so I wanted to get one for you too. Do you like it?" She looked up at him through her lashes hopefully.

Tadano held the keychain up to the light to admire it, before putting it into his pocket. "I love it. Thank you, Ishioka-san." She beamed up at him, a light pink dusting her cheeks before she whipped around and began leaving the store, Tadano trailing behind her in confusion.

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