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Tadano was in heaven. Or perhaps it was hell. On one hand, he was surrounded by gorgeous women, but on the other, he was being glared at for sitting next to them. Maybe he was hallucinating, but he could swear that he was hearing plots for his murder.

His train of thought was interrupted by his homeroom teacher calling for introductions. He listened as a girl named Agari Himiko introduced herself in a barely understandable mess of stuttering. The girl behind her, Yamai Ren, patted her on the back with a laugh and a cheer to be more confident in herself.

Tadano felt himself relax slightly. Despite the previous death threats, some of his other classmates felt rather welcoming. This relaxed state was quickly broken when the girl from the lockers stood to introduce herself. Tadano could still feel the chill of her glare piercing into his very soul. She opened her mouth to speak, but didn't say anything. She stood in place for a moment, before slowly making her way down the aisle of desks, and wrote her name on the chalkboard. Komi Shoko.

The class burst out of their seats with loud cheers as Komi made her way back to her seat, and stiffly sat back down. The room was quiet for a moment, before the homeroom teacher reminded him of his turn to introduce himself.

"Um, I'm Tadano Hitohito. I'm looking forward to this year." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "I'm really good at reading the room." He could feel the whispers and sighs of his classmates, clearly telling him that he was not, in fact, reading the room at that moment. "Just kidding." He laughed awkwardly before slumping back into his seat, willing himself to disappear into it to stop everyone from staring at him.

Once again, Tadano was forced out of his own world by the quiet scrape of the other chair next to him. The girl who he had not spoken to yet, but had certainly noticed due to her unique appearance that seemed otherworldly in comparison to everyone else in the room, save for Komi, perhaps.

With waist length wild curls that, at first glance, appeared to be jet black, turned out to be a deep purple. Her lightly tanned skin contrasted everyone else's pale white skin, making him wonder if she was of more than just Japanese descent. The other thing that made her stand out was how short she was. Most of the girls in the class were under 165cm, but she couldn't possibly be any taller than 152cm, and that was being generous.

Like Komi, the girl slowly made her way down the aisle of desks and wrote her name on the chalkboard. Ishioka Kagami. As she turned and made her way back to her desk, Tadano was struck numb by her piercing gaze of gray eyes.

Tadano couldn't help but admire the two girls sitting on either side of him. Komi had picture perfect posture, and it seemed like everyone else in the class had noticed it as well, whispering quietly to each other about her. Kagami, on the other had, had a more natural posture, her back slightly curved as she wrote.

Hearing a soft plunk, Tadano turned to Komi, spotting a fallen eraser that could only belong to her. Without thinking, he picked it up and started to hand it to her. "Um, you dropped your era-" a compass thrown from someone dressed like a ninja, Shinobino Mono, he believed, interrupted him. Fearing slightly for his life, he quickly slid the eraser onto Komi's desk.

Tadano felt calmer now that Shinobino was no longer glaring him down, but suddenly a chill swept up his spine. He turned slightly to see Komi staring fiercely at him. Maybe it was his imagination, but he could have sworn that she was trembling. However, the way she was staring at him still scared him, and he quickly turned away, pretending that he hadn't seen her face him. He was now faced with the other girl that plagued his mind. She was still writing, seemingly oblivious to everything except the chalkboard and her notes.

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