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Kagami watched as Tadano read aloud from their modern literature book. Once again, she found herself wishing that she could hear. Suddenly, she noticed that Tadano had stopped speaking, and everyone in the room had turned to face Komi, who was standing, looking around nervously.

Even without being able to hear, she knew that the entire class was waiting with baited breath, tension and complete silence flooding over everyone in the room. Then, several people jumped in their seats, as if started by a loud noise. Turning back to the front of the room, she watched as their teacher yelled something she couldn't hear. Maybe she didn't wish she could hear after all. Listening to a teacher yell sounded annoying.

Lunch rolled around quickly, leaving Kagami to pull out her bento in silence, and begin to eat. She felt slightly dejected by the fact that she couldn't eat lunch with anyone, seeing that Osana and Komi were spending some bonding time together. Although that still didn't stop her from feeling left out. Maybe it was because I said no to walking home with them?

She hadn't wanted to, but in order to keep up with expenses, she had to work and she had a shift. She couldn't afford to be fired for missing work for something as... trivial as making her first friends. It wasn't trivial to her, but she also knew it was to her superiors, and that came first.

She didn't have to worry about rent, as her parents had owned their house, but she did have to worry about groceries, a college fund, school activities, therapy, medications, hospital visits, her mother's caretaker, and other emergencies. She had a fair amount socked away now, but missing a shift could get her fired, and she needed this job to survive.

Blinking back the tears threatening to prick at her eyes, she stared down at her food, feeling slightly nauseous. Then, she felt a vibration reverberate through the desk, and looked up to see Tadano tapping her desk. He opened his mouth to say something, then seemed to think better of it, and hesitantly lifted his hands into view. 

"Can I eat with you?" The motions were slow, choppy, and partially incorrect, but the message came across loud and clear. Tears once again threatened to spill, but this time she was unable to stop them from welling up. He was using sign language to communicate with her despite having no knowledge of it as of yesterday.

On top of that, no one had ever asked to eat with her before. Not even Osana had ever joined her, having constantly had their attention diverted to more talkative and interesting people. People who didn't have a dead parent and siblings as well as a mentally absent mother and had to work to have food on the table. 

Tadano seemed to panic at the sight of her tears. Fearing that he now thought she was an emotional freak, Kagami frantically began to sign apologies and explanations, before realizing that he had no idea what she was saying. She froze for a second, becoming more and more distressed as she tried to figure out a way to communicate with him. Then her eyes fell on her bag hanging from the side of her desk. She scrambled to get to it, to reach her notebook and pencil before Tadano had enough and left without waiting for her explanation. 

"I'm sorry for getting emotional, I swear this isn't a normal occurrence! It's just that..." Kagami paused for a moment, trying to decide if telling Tadano that no one had ever asked her to eat with them would make him think she was a freak who deserved to eat alone. But, she had to explain herself or he'd just think that she was an emotional wreck. "Well, um... no one has ever asked me to eat with them before..."

Kagami looked up slowly, preparing herself for the laughter and ridicule, followed by Tadano walking away. Instead, as she met his eyes, she only saw sadness, and then understanding. He took the paper and pen from her and started writing. "Well, you can always eat with me, if you want, that is. I don't mind your company at all. I really enjoy it, actually." He paused, turning to Komi and Osana, as if they had said something.

𝕂𝕆𝕀 ℕ𝕆 𝕐𝕆𝕂𝔸ℕ {Tadano Hitohito}Where stories live. Discover now