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"Finalizing Pilot Registration process...

Registration number: Rb 21.

Identification Initials: H.D.

License provided by: AllMind; Independent Mercenary.

Callsign: DIAB IX

Rank: A

Please confirm permanent Callsign to complete your registration. Would you like to retain Callsign DIAB IX?"

Hessa was still in between various emotional states but she confirmed the Callsign with a firm tap on the imaginary button on the Heads-Up Display that overlaid her view. The idea of being thrown onto another planet god knows how many light years away without her consent or knowledge, is sick. It's outrageous, but with no one to blame or complain to. She's just stuck here.

"Thank you. AllMind is the Mercenary Support System. Your transport helicopter is enroute to your location for extraction to safety. It will be your base of operations where you can Configure your AC, purchase new parts, and take on missions posted by the various factions operating on Rubicon 3.

Welcome to Rubicon, Diab IX. AllMind looks forward to seeing your accomplishments on your journey."

It took all she had in her not to scream at AllMind for dumping her here on a foreign planet the way it did. Eventually, the more rational side, plus the instincts to survive, took control of her. She checked the radar, anticipating the transport helicopter's approach. The area she's in was covered in white, snow and ice blanketing hard rocks of a mountainous terrain. It was lifeless at the moment but she could make out a huge wall in the distance between the tallest mountains with an unidentified black structure leaning against it on one end. She was debating whether on not to make her way there and try her luck in finding someone to explain what's going on but was cut short when the distinct sound of helicopter blades rotating caught her attention.

"DIAB IX, is that really you?" said a warped female voice over the comms in her AC. It sounded familiar, from before the AllMind training facility...

"... Gala?"

"IT IS YOU! Thank god! Hang on, let me get the heli down for you."

"Since when did you fly helicopters? Never mind that, how are you even on this planet!?"

"Actually, I'm not. I'm still on Earth piloting this heli remotely."

"What? But then how did you end up with this job? How did you even find me? How-"

"Hessa! Look, it's going to be a long explanation. Just get in and I'll tell you what little I know on the way to the safe zone."

If Hessa thought she was lonely before, this made it even lonelier. She could only stare at the screen that showed her life long friend since childhood, unable to hug her or share meals with her like they used to. Separated by lightyears and space.

Stop it! Get a grip!

She shook off her intrusive thoughts and tried to focus on what Gala was saying, something about how she was given a job offer... by AllMind.

"Wait... AllMind gave you that job offer?"

"You know them? It's the first I ever heard of that company, and it was weird that they seemed to know a lot about me... like more than just qualifications.

But anyways, the job was to be a communications agent, they called it Handler, between my client and shareholders and to ensure blahblahblah all those typical office work descriptions, you know? The first thing I thought was suspicious... and had me panic, admittedly... was when they said I'll be going through helicopter pilot training. You can imagine the relief when it turned out to be remote controlled haha.

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