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It wasn't that long ago since the pilot had acquired this 9-meter-high mechanized combat machine, more commonly known as an Armored Core. Going through a multitude of tests and scenarios designed to pit the pilot against the worst of on-field situations, not all of them combat related. It wasn't that long ago since the pilot was finally licensed and registered as an AC pilot, among the many others that came before, and yet to come. Mercenaries, guns for fire, contracted by Corporations for various jobs ranging from escorting cargos to sabotaging facilities and dealing with Mercenaries on the opposite end of the battlefield. It wasn't that long ago since the pilot's reputation of successful executions of missions, and overpowering other Mercenaries in AC dog fights, led to being widely in demand by various clients. And at the same time, being constantly avoided by veteran pilots not willing to face early retirement.


The only name, callsign, that pilot is known for. And it wasn't that long ago since the pilot was sent to infiltrate a coral mining station belonging to the Rubicon Liberation Front, to disable its defenses, allowing the client to move in and take over the mining operation in that sector.

"Arriving at target location. ETA: 3 Minutes. Do me a favor and take out those AA-Guns first. Don't want my baby shot trying to pull your ass out."

"Copy. AC Blue Fire locked and loaded. Main Systems, Engaging Combat Mode."

"Is that an inside joke or something? I heard other Mercs say the same thing before a mission..."

Cobalt didn't reply, the HUD came to life and more parameters filled the sides of the screen. The AC's vitals in larger fonts such as Armor Points and System status, followed by the weaponry loadout and ammo count. Timer to mission start counting down on screen as the system status turn green one after the other.

"hmph, whatever. We're here. Locks disengaged and lowering ramp." The transport shuddered as it released the locks underneath the AC and again when the rear hatch slid open, breaking the air tight seal and unleashing the atmosphere throughout the cargo bay. Reddish hue creeped into the cargo bay, discoloring the interior as Rubicon's horizon briefly appeared before the landscape and industrial machinery known as the Grids flew to intercept the view.

Sirens blared inside the bay that was soon drowned out to the sound of a dozen missile flares shooting from the sides of the transport. With a jerk, the AC walked towards the ramp and stepped off the edge. Air streams raced up past the AC as the ground was quickly filling the HUD. With a calculated timing, the AC boosters ignited and fired jets of flame downwards, catching the AC and rapidly slowly its decent to lightly land on closest flat surface in its trajectory. No sooner had the feet touched the ground, the booster tilted to a horizontal level and the core's larger thruster ignited at the same time, throwing the AC forward into the air again. Flying at high speed and avoiding constructs and subsurface sensors.

Defensive turrets of various kinds spun around towards the intruder, trying to lock on before the AC got too close. But they soon realized the futility and opened fire pre-emptively to try and catch the target with a stray shot or ten. The HUD lit up with Warning indicators and crosshairs on the defensive guns as the AC raised its rifles. Locking on and firing alternatively, the defensive emplacements exploded one after another, and within minutes the area was covered in smoke and dust due to the blowing winds. At the end of its run, the AC cuts off the back thrusters and shifts the side thrusters to opposite directions and with a short yet powerful burst, the AC spins almost 180 degrees and skids to a stop.

Cobalt initiates scan mode, sending an electromagnetic pulse around the immediate area, sweeping from left to right to find hidden threats but was cut off when the screen glowed bright to blinding levels then a sharp impact shook the AC frame. Switching back to Combat Mode without pausing to see the source of incoming fire, AC Blue Fire leapt in the air, weaving between scattered debris and structures while watching the peripheral the direction of the incoming fire. Blue Fire rushed behind a row of warehouses, then cut the thrusters and skid to a stop behind one them, watching the fire storm chase the projected path had it kept going. The AC leapt out of cover as the hail of bullets trace an imaginary target to the end of the row, firing with its dual rifles to pick off relatively weak targets as it closed in using its Assault Boost.

Armored Core 6:  Cold GhostWhere stories live. Discover now