𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮. 𝙙è𝙟á 𝙫𝙪 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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✩ February 1999

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February 1999

Valia showed up to the meeting with a pair of shades hiding her bloodshot eyes, drunken and intoxicated in spite of the fact that it was only 9am in the morning.

She was also late, something that never really happened. And so when the bassist finally made her appearance, everybody eyed her warily and filled with curiosity, concerned even. Val mumbled a good morning before sitting next to Bonehead in their studio. "Please tell me you've got coffee or something."

He smiled knowingly. "Came prepared for you."

She sighed in relief, taking a long gulp of the hot drink. "What am I ever going to do without you?"

Bonehead flickered his attention over the girl skittishly, clearing his throat as he let out a small smile.

"Why are ya late?" Noel asked the question everybody had in their minds.

Val leaned into her chair, ignoring the way Liam was intensely staring at her. Things between her and Liam were somewhat odd. When they came back from their little getaway in Italy, it was made publicised that they were sleeping together, despite of Patsy Kensit still being in the picture. And ever since then, Liam had been intentionally avoiding her to the best of his abilities. Something Valia couldn't say that she was unfamiliar with, it occurred almost every month back when they were younger. "I blacked out at Carti's."

Whitey raised an eyebrow at the information, unable to keep himself from glancing over at Liam. The drummer was confounded. "I had no idea that you're .. seeing him again? Thought he was in the States?"

"I'm not." She mumbled exhaustedly, it was simply hookups here and there. There wasn't anything remotely intimate about her relationship with the Zenith guitarist, it was just good to mess around with each other. Especially now that Liam was back to being a dickhead towards her. "He's just back for a bit."

Liam fidgeted his legs, forcing to detach himself from the conversation and scanning around the studio for something  that he could focus on, instead of listening to Val talk about Christian fucking Cartier.

Noel shrugged. "I like that fella."

"Nobody fucking asked." The younger Gallagher grimaced out of nowhere, irritated by the topic of the conversation. Everyone, including Spike (their producer) eyed him uncomfortably, not hidden from the fact that Liam couldn't stand seeing Val with anybody else except for him——even though he was married and refused to end things with Patsy. "Now can we just fucking go on with whatever we came here for? As if we didn't just have to wait a whole thirty minutes because someone needed to do her walk of shame."

The bassist's ears perked up in red, her face stern and swarmed with infuriation. She could hardly stand the way Liam often switched up on her, telling Val how much he needed her around and then faltering away and berating her for absolutely no reason. She just simply could not take it anymore. Val firmed her grip on the coffee cup, before flinging the boiling caffeine towards the boy, causing a sharp cuss to erupt from him, and the other boys to jump.

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