Antique's- Chapter 3

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Chris texted me and tried to apologize on the behalf of his brother but I knew Matt wasn't sorry. At this point I think he's some type of sociopath but only toward me. Chris had also asked if I would like to go with him and nick to a pumpkin patch. Matt wasn't going I guess he was on time out for taking it to far. But still it's like why bring up Elijah and what did he do to you. It's fine since I already told Elijah. Chris said to get an lift to their house and than we'll all drive in one lift to get to the pumpkin patch. Paying for two lift's makes me want to jump off a building but it's either that or silent ride with Matt. So I get into the lift it stinks and I end up texting Chris.

CHRIS😝: U on ur way?

Me: In the uber now smells like shit 😃...




Me: U BETTER BE (I'm literally bout to fight u bro.)

I chuckled a bit from our little conversation. The stinky lift driver gives me a nasty look so then I start to look stupid as hell. When I finally get there I spray perfume on myself making sure the stink didn't linger. I knock on the door and Chris opens it with a nervous smile. I peek in and see Matt sitting on the couch with a black eye. I push pass Chris not trying to be rude but to check on Matt while Nick sits next to him.

"Oh my actual gosh what in the hell happened. See this is why you learn manners or you get beat up."

"Why are you so protective?"

"I-I'm not protective I don't care about you I just wanted to know what happened," I say trying to catch my words.

"Tell her you fucking dumby fuck," Nick say's to Matt hitting his arm.

"Your boyfriend Elijah..."

"Just Elijah." I say rolling my eyes

"Elijah was saying that he was scared to let you hang out with me," he say's as a smirk arises on his face.

"And this is because?" I say like I'm being left on a cliffhanger.

"Cause you're totally into me." His smirk turning into an evil grin.

"Do you want another black eye?" I question him and completely ignores me to continue the story.

"So I told him to say it to my face."

"Oh you're so dumb," I say rubbing my temples, I wish I could be laughing at the hysteria of this whole situation.

"He said he wasn't worried about me so I started punching the crap out of him he got a couple hits on me I get a couple more on him. You know," he says nonchalantly.

"No I don't know." I say before getting up to the bathroom to call Elijah.

I called him once than twice then I realized he wasn't going to answer so I got up.

"Did you threaten him to stop calling me? What's wrong with you!?" I yell as I storm out the bathroom.

"What no. Ashanti I didn't threaten him about that, I promise."

As I was going to start yelling at him again but my phone starts ringing. Oh it was Elijah.

"Bye," I say before walking back into the bathroom.

"I told you!" He shouts to make sure I hear him since I'm already in the bathroom.

Once I got on face time with Elijah tears rolling down my face. Why would Matt do this to me. Why! He explained it back and it was the story I had already heard. Matt told the truth? Whatever that doesn't matter, the only that matters is seeing if Elijah is okay. Obviously he wasn't Matt definitely took out the part where he literally beat him half to death. How do I know this? The hospital gown on him and the IV next to him. I tried to explain that I'm so sorry but I'll still be hanging out with them. I asked if he still wanted to talk even if we would major setbacks if this became a real relationship and he surprisingly said yes. I hung up the call.

I entered the living room with a bratty smile on my face. Nothing is going to knock my now positive attitude, not even Matt. You know what his face will probably actually make smile today because that ugly black eye.

"Are you guys ready," I say with a huge smile.

"Yeah Nick and I are," Chris responded.

"Oh is Matt not coming?" I question.

"You want me to come?" Matt asked.

"Yes I need to be able to laugh at your face."

"Oh so you think you're funny, huh?"

"I think I'm fucking hilarious."

They got their money for the pumpkin patch and their coats. When we got in the car I was so excited to go to the pumpkin patch so me and Nick talking about it the whole way there. Matt was quiet again and was giving me rude looks so it felt like I was in the stinky and nasty having attitude lift again. We got there and I saw these two cute pumpkins that were both in my price range so I happily put them in my cart. We walked past this antique stand and there was this cute little black cat statue. I looked at it for a bit realizing I didn't have enough money for it. I turned around and saw a guy behind me and when I looked it was Matt. He looked at me to but this time it was less eye contact and he was looking at my lips.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask already annoyed with him.

"Doing what exactly?" Matt asked as if he was genuinely confused looking back at my eyes.

"Never mind, Matt." I say putting down the small antique.

We walked over to the cashier and we were leaving with our pumpkins when Matt and I went through the security system... BUZZ. Why did it do that? I didn't steal anything, I promise you. Tears start to swell in my eyes when the security sits us down.

"Please sir I didn't steal anything. Here's my receipt, everything I have in my hand is on it," I pleaded with him as he snatched it out my hand.

Matt sits there his face just screams pissed as I'm literally about to start sobbing. The security guard looks at my receipt and my stuff. The man says I'm good but just to wait since he was going to go pat down Matt. When he pats him down he surprisingly finds nothing and the security lets us go. We got to the car and I was sitting there as my heart was still beating rapidly because my anxiety was literally just through the roof. When we got back I was looking for my phone not finding it anywhere. Matt said he had picked it up for me which is weird but he said he put it in his bag. I look through his bag to find my phone before finding the cat statue so I go to confront him about it.

"Matt what's this?" I hold up the antique.

"It's yours that's what it is."

"Thank you but I would of really appreciated if you actually bought it," I say sternly before leaving his room.

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