it's time

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There is no smut in this, none of the characters are sexualised. WALKER AND MY OC'S ARE MINERS.
Also, Tanner (walkers little brother) dosnt exist, I couldn't be bothered to add him.
Enjoy <3

Arlettes pov:

I looked around my room, it was empty. All that remained was my carry-on, suitcase and the sheets on my bed.

It was like a blank canvas, ready to be painted. Ready for the people moving in.

Ready for theyr new endeavours, ready for the new people they were going to meet.

I was ready too, ready to see walker again.

I couldn't wait for him to fill my canvas with new colours, my life had felt grey without him.

And now my life was going to be colourful again, oh how dazzling.

It was the day, I'd see my second family for the first time in four years.

"Arlette!" My mom yelled, "breakfasts ready" 

I ran downstairs, "how much longer till we leave?" I ordered.

"Well the flights at 3:00pm so we have to leave at 1:30pm, which is four and a half hours from now" my mom said, flipping bacon with her spatula.

"What time are we getting there?"

"At 11:00pm tonight"

"I can't live that long, mom" I said, dramatically flailing my arms

"Well your gonna have to if you wanna see Walker again" my mom said, no amusement in her tone.

"Maybe I could live a little longer" I said, quitely, sitting at the table.


When we got on the plane I pulled out my humongous poetry book, it was as big as my head.

I woke up to the pilot announcing our landing.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have at some point. Wich was very irritating, I didn't even put the bookmark back in.

I put my book back in my bag, then me and my parents went to go collect our luggage.
Just our suitcases though, our furnishings were being flown to our new house.
Well.. Kind of new house, its the same house I grew up in, it's just been renovated.

Once we got our bags, we sat down at a bench near the airport exit.
I pulled out my book to read, but I couldn't concentrate. I just stared blankly at the page.

The last time I saw walker, I was saying goodbye for what I thought was forever. I hysterically cried that day, and many days after that. so did Walker.
At least I like think he did, he didn't answer any of my calls. I wasn't sure why, or what I had done wrong.

Either way I couldn't wait to see his charming smile again.

Walkers pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. A horrible, horrible sound. I felt powerless as the ear splitting siren rang from that awful clock.

My hand clumsily fumbled around my bedside table desperately reaching for my saving grace, the off button. 

In my scramble to turn it of, I flung my alarm clock to floor.
It snapped in half, all of its inner working mechanisms went flying accross my floor, like the intestines of a tragic hero, dying on the battle field.

Creakkkk, My door opened to the fugliest created alive, my sister.

"Moms calling us down stairs-" she stopped,  looking down at the mess of my clock on the floor, "why did you Smash your alarm clock?" Leena said in a disappointed tone

"To create problems why else"

"Whatever, I can't be bothered for this. Just come down stairs" she said, holding her hand up to her face

When I got down stairs mom and dad were sitting at the end of the table, looking considerably excited. It was weird, usually when they call us down theyr like, mad or something.

Me and Leena took a seat.

"So as you know there is an airport two hours from here" my mom said

"And?" Leena stipulated       

"And we're gonna drive you guys there" dad grinned

"Why" I asked

"It's a surprise" my mom said with an eager smile

"Are we going on vacation?" Leena asked

"No" dad said, leaning forward in his seat.

"Then what are we doing?" Leena urged

"You'll find out" dad said

"Uh... Ok then, are we free to leave now?" I asked

"Yes, run along. and be excited!" My mom yelled, waving her hands in the air.

Walking away from the table, I whispered in Leenas ear, "what do you think we're doing?"

"We're probably just picking up one of dads co-workers"

"I guess" I answered, looking down at my feet. "I was just hoping it would be something more exciting"

"It's probably gonna be something disappointing" Leena claimed, striding ahead of me, to her room.

"Always such a pessimist" I muttered, walking to my room.

Oh yeah, the clock, shatterd on my floor. Time to vacuum. Hurray.


Leena was probably right, it wasn't gonna be very cool. I thought, Walking into the airport.

"Are you guys excited" mom said, she looked like she was bursting from the seams, like there was so much excitement in her, like she couldn't keep it in.

"Woowoo" me and Leena said not very enthusiastically when-

Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Crawford and-

And somehow she was even more beautiful than the day I lost her.

sorry I didn't call ~ Walker Scobel Where stories live. Discover now