"I think he'll be there tonight..." She informed me. 

This made me sit back up. "What?! Bro, why didn't you tell me that sooner! Now I gotta find a better outfit." 

"Dude you're totally down bad." She laughed.

I groaned. "I am not! We're literally just friends. I hardly know him." 

"Yeah, yeah. But you guys are carbon copies of each other." I paced around my room, trying to think of what to wear.

"Grace!" I yelled, hoping she'll hear me. I heard footsteps quickly make their way towards my door. 

"Yeah?" She said, standing in my doorway. 

"Can you please help me find an outfit?" I begged. 

"What's the occasion?" She inquired, going over to my closet. 

"She's gotta impress her new husband!" Phoebe chimed in through the phone which was now resting on my dresser. 

"No, Phoebe invited us to a party tonight at Taylor's house." I told Grace.

She turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Like...Taylor Swift?" 

I nodded. "Yeah. It's gonna be amazing." 

"Fuck yeah it is. It's Taylor fucking Swift hosting!" Grace exclaimed. This summoned the rest of the band to my room. 

"What about Taylor Swift? Oh hi Phoebe." Elias waved. Phoebe waved in return before going back to eating whatever she was eating. 

"Phoebe invited us to a party that Taylor Swift is hosting." I told them. Amelia and Hazel made themselves comfortable on my bed, snacking on the fruit I wasn't going to be eating anytime soon. Elias took a seat at my desk and stole some fruit as well. 

"What time is it?" He asked, directed towards Phoebe. 

"Eight tonight. I sent Gypsy the address." 

"Fuck! I need to shower, I only have eight hours to get dressed." Hazel said, immediately jumping up. 

"Only? Jesus." Elias laughed. Amelia glared at him and he shut up very quickly. 

"How's this?" Grace said, turning around. She held up a purple-ish tie top and a multicolored skirt that went surprisingly well together. I would've never thought of it. 

"Yes. Immediately yes. What shoes?" I happily nodded. 

She thought for a moment before grinning at me. "Your green boots that I love would look perfect." 

"You're a genius. I don't know what I'd do without you." I hugged her as a thanks and then laid the outfit she picked out for me on my bed. 

"Grace, can you pick out my outfit as well?" Amelia asked.

"Of course." Grace smiled. They walked out of my room, leaving Elias and I plus Phoebe on the phone. 

"Hey Phoebe, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later though. I love you!" 

"Love you too Sunny." She smiled and hung up. I sat down on my bed, facing Elias as he scrolled on his phone.

I cleared my throat, making him look up. "Yes?" He asked.

"I'd like some privacy so I can mentally prepare, please." I requested. 

He nodded and got up. "Hey, I'll probably Door Dash some food later. Want anything?" 

"I'd die for some wings right now." I smiled at him. He gave me a thumbs up before turning and leaving, shutting the door behind him. 

The time read 12:32, meaning I needed to shower within the next fifteen minutes so I'd have plenty of time to shave, do my hair, and do my makeup. We'd have to leave by at least 7:20 because Taylor's house was in Beverly Hills which is a thirty minute drive. Plus traffic will be hell as always. 

Hazel occupied the downstairs bathroom so I used the upstairs bathroom to shower in. I put on some random 2000s music mix on Spotify as I got into the shower. 


"How does my makeup look?" I asked Elias who had been laying in my bed, waiting for all of us to get ready.

"It looks good." He replied.

I sighed. "I need to ask a woman." He threw his arms up in defeat. "Hazel, can you come tell me if my makeup is alright?" 

She walked into my room with curlers in her hair. "You look amazing. Your hair is perfect as well." 

"Thanks queen." I gave her a soft smile as she turned around and went back to her room. I added some final touches to my eyeliner, trying to perfect the 'smudged' look. "I'm gonna change, can you go outside for a sec?" 

"Yeah." Elias said, getting up and exiting my room. I couldn't wear a bra with the top Grace picked out so I had to go bra-less which was always a weird feeling but I enjoyed it. I slid the skirt on over top of my blue underwear and picked out some fun socks, landing on ones with fishes on them. 

"Alright, the coast is clear." I told Elias. He walked back into my room and smiled when he saw my outfit. 

"You look great." He complimented. Elias and I had been friends since I was born. Our moms were best friends and we were neighbors growing up. He was a grade above me but we'd still hang out as much as possible. Amelia, Grace, and Hazel were all in the same grade as me. I met Amelia in kindergarten, Hazel in fourth grade, and Grace in seventh grade. We all became a tight knit group that miraculously lasted through high school. Grace was the one who suggested the idea of being a band in the first place. Elias and I used to put on performances for our mothers whenever we wanted to sleepover so I guess we were technically 'experienced' already. Amelia's father was the music teacher and he made her take piano lessons as soon as she turned four so she was already a pro. Hazel happily learned how to play the drums and then we started practicing everyday for two years until all of us graduated and we moved to LA. 

I gave Elias a spin, smiling as I did so. "Thank you." I walked over to my jewelry box that my mother gave me when I was born to select the pieces I wanted to wear tonight. I settled on a couple rings and some simple gold hoops then grabbed my sunglasses. It was only 7:12 so I still had a few minutes to relax before I planned on leaving. "Should we Uber or drive?" 

"I vote Uber." Amelia vocalized from the couch. 

"Yeah, that sounds good." Hazel said as she and Grace walked down the hallway. 

"Great. That means I can drink before we leave. Elias, will you order an Uber?" I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a vodka seltzer. 

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