He checked his phone while Fat Nuggets ate his food, to find out that his boss had texted him.
He wanted him to come in early today. Early as in around five this afternoon as he usually worked at night. He groaned and dropped his head on the table. Always the same story with Val. Angel had to give up a lot of his free time to serve the moth.
"Oh, Angel!"
He heard a familiar female voice as their footsteps entered the kitchen.

"What do you want?"
He asked, not looking up at the princess.

"Have you seen Husk? He was supposed to be behind the bar an hour ago, and I'm worried that Vaggie is boiling by now.. she doesn't love the bar."
She rattled to Angel who doubted that she was really talking to him, as it began to sound like she was talking to herself.

"I don't know dollface, check his room."
He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I asked Alastor to, but he said he wasn't in there.. I'm worried, what if he left last night and he's hurt somewhere? I didn't even see him for breakfast! When Vaggie and I went to sleep he was still down here waiting for you to come back. He said he'd lock the doors.. they were locked this morning though.. you think he spent the night somewhere else? Wouldn't he have told somebody? How did you get in last night?" She paced around the kitchen.
Angel got up from the chair as her many questions made his head hurt, and he held her by the shoulders.

"Listen, Charlie. You worry too much. He was here last night. The drunk bastard is probably out gambling or something. He'll be back."
He reassured her in his own way. His tone may have been a little.. direct, which didn't sound very comforting, but it calmed her down a little.
"Right! You're right. I'll let you know when he gets back!"

"I really don't care when he-."

"I'll text you!"
She slipped out of the kitchen.
Her words made him wonder though. Why did he stay up for him? He could've just gotten wasted in his room. Angel knew where to find the keys, so he could've locked up himself. Was he really waiting for him?
He shook his head. Why was he thinking so much about him? Sure his reactions to his attempts to get in his bed were interesting, and he'd found amusement in it. Although it sometimes pissed him off that the cat dared to refuse him. Wasn't he a special offer?
"Fuck that cat.." He muttered.

The front door of the hotel opened and fell close as the furry demon walked in, not sparing anyone a glance as he went straight for the stairs.
"Husker, you're late." Alastor's voice sounded from the lobby as he appeared from a shadow in the middle of the big hall. Angel watched through the doorway as Husk put up his hand and kept walking.
"Yeah, whatever, I'll be there."

Angel checked his phone as it buzzed.
Delusional little lady:
'He's back!'

Angel looked over his screen at the princess with a pained expression as she smiled back at him.
He put his phone away again and decided he should actually apologize. How though?
He thought for a moment before he quickly put on a jacket and rushed to the nearest store to get some blueberry muffins, hoping he'd like them. When he returned to the hotel he made some coffee and wrote a short note that said:
"Sorry for lashing out on ya :("

He took it back to the hotel rooms on a tray and knocked on the cat demon's door.
"I said I'd be there, Satan, give a man some rest!"
The annoyed voice of Husk came from inside.

"It's me."
It went quiet for a moment before the door opened a crack.
"What the fuck do you want?"

He offered the cat the tray, but all he did was look at it, and look back at the taller demon in front of his door.
The Spider looked slightly frustrated about how he didn't want to accept his gesture.
"I'm.. sorry for lashing out at ya last night."
He again tried to make him take the tray, but the Cat still just looked at him.

"Come on, I just ran to the store to get ya blueberry muffins 'cause ya missed breakfast! And I made your coffee how you like it. Lot of milk and a teeny bit of sugar, right? Look, I didn't mean it, I was angry at Val and It made me impatient. That's not an excuse for what I said. I'm sorry."
He looked away, feeling awkward to just stand there and to say stuff like that, but he felt a little lighter knowing that he apologized.

"Are you trying to poison me? I'm allergic to blueberries."
Angels eyes widened.
"I.. No! I didn't know I swear! I'll get you something else if you.."

The bartender chuckled at his shocked reaction.
"I'm messing with you. You're fine."
He took the tray with a little smile.

Angel rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile a little.
"Thanks.. for feeding Nuggs. He would've been restless if he didn't eat, and get a tummy ache if I fed him too late."

"It's alright. He wasn't that bad to deal with."

"What do you mean by that? He's a darling!"

Husk chuckled in response.
"I'm also sorry for my comment, if you heard it. I also didn't mean it. You're not always bad."

He was confused. Not always? What did he mean by that?

"I gotta get ready for the bar. See ya later."
He closed the door on him.

Angel tried to figure out what he meant as he went back downstairs to get his pink friend.
As he arrived back in the kitchen, the pig was missing from the floor. The bowl was empty, and only the infamous radio demon was humming to himself in there.
"Hey, Smiles, did ya see where Nuggets went?"

Alastor turned to him, the missing pig in his arms that let out a grunt, as he tilted his head with a sinister look in his face. A pot of water was starting to cook behind him. "Who?"

Angel quickly snatched the animal away from him.
"What the fuck?! Don't you ever touch him again you freaky old piece of junk! Nuggets is not your fucking snack!"

"Shame. I could've used some meat in my soup."
He shrugged.

Angel quickly made his way out of the kitchen and yelled at Charlie as he made his way back to the stairs, going up to his room.
"Ya gotta keep that red bitch under control! Nuggets is not a fucking snack!"
Charlie, who was busy discussing her ideas with an annoyed Vaggie behind the bar, quickly left her post to talk to Alastor as she'd heard his words.

He passed Husk on his way, but was too annoyed now to talk to him, and slammed his door behind him as soon as he'd entered his room.
The bartender had looked back at him for a moment and wondered what would've pissed him off this time, but continued walking soon after.

The spider placed the pig on his bed.
"Don't leave the room when I'm gone, and bite anyone who tries to take ya out okay? Run to the purring man if Alastor's chasing ya."
The pig grunted in response, as if it happily agreed, but likely unaware of what he actually said.

Angel sighed and stroked the pig's head before changing into a new, pink dress with a heart shaped gap in its chest.
He'd gotten up quite late this morning as a result of his exhaustion, so he was now getting ready to leave to the studio for apparently another client that Val had accepted before his new film.

"Later Nuggsie. I'll try to make it home- ...back, earlier tonight."
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