Chapter 18

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And here I am, back again, with another chapter. Can you see this? My dedication! Oh goodness, I hope the frequency is not compromising the quality. But if it is, please, please, please comment

I am doing something that I had really wanted MoM to do, or at least What-If...? Now, I haven't seen the second season, so my story will ignore whatever happened in there.

Well, Happy reading everyone!!


"We need to talk." Toni said the moment she stepped out of the portal created by Master Tina.

Stephen turned his attention to her, motioning someone else to take the watch.

"Not here, though." Toni spoke again, eyeing the Scarlet Witch.

Stephen turned to the witch, who was looking at Toni curiously, before returning his gaze back to the other masters. The masters nodded, assuring him that it was fine to leave. But Stephen couldn't help his reluctance.

Yet, he turned to Toni with a nod, stepping behind her, as they crossed the portal.

Master Tina gave a short bow, as she stepped through the portal.

"I shall stay with them till you return, Master Strange." The sorceress assured, before closing the portal, leaving the couple in Kamar-Taj.

"Have you found something?" Stephen asked the moment they were alone.

Toni gave a nod. "JARVIS contacted me after he heard something America said. She said that there was another Stephen Strange that she was aiming for when she travelled across the multiverse, and this Stephen Strange is probably the only one who can defeat Scarlet Witch."

Stephen looked skeptical at that. What did this even mean?

"This doesn't look like a solution." He voiced his thoughts, making Toni shake her head.

"This Stephen Strange defeated another threat to multiverse, by the name of ULTRON. Now I am not sure what you know about that AI. But I know that it took blowing nearly an entire city to stop him, and he hadn't even destroyed a tiny portion of the planet much less risked the entire multiverse. If that Strange really stopped ULTRON that powerful, I don't know why but I feel like he might stop Scarlet Witch as well." Toni explained, trying to get her point across.

The Sorcerer Supreme contemplated the option, before he nodded. "It's not like we have another option. So how do we contact him?"

Toni smiled, before it dimmed. "That is what I am not sure about. Don't you have anything that might allow you to talk to your other self across the multiverse?"

"Haven't heard of it before. We protect the multiverse, and that includes not tampering with it. I am pretty sure that talking to another version of yourself might tamper the security." Toni opened her mouth, but Stephen raised a hand, "But I know that this is a desperate moment, and it needs desperate measures."

"So, you have something?" The hope in her voice was restricted but Stephen could see it in her eyes. He wasn't sure what he was about to say, that she would allow it, or no, but he knew that it was the only way to connect with his other self.

"We would need America." Stephen said, and the frown that appeared on Toni's face said it all.


The moment the pair stepped back into the New York sanctum, the hesitance in the pair was replaced by dread. The sanctum was destroyed as they had left it, but now those who were supposed to stand guard were now lying on the floor, unconscious.

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