"What are you doing here?" Megumi questioned stepping into his room and tossing his bag on the bed.

"Sorry! We were just playing the game. We didn't mean to intrude."

"No not in here. Why are you at the house? Toji said you didn't answer your phone so he dropped Tsumiki off at Ogami's."

"Yeah, I talked to him this morning he told me that you couldn't make it back. So I just went to go get her."

"I wasn't going to come back but when he said she was at Ogami's house I rushed back. He didn't tell me you were on your way."

"Same..." you sighed.

"He's the worst."

"He's... trying his best."

"Don't set the bar so low for him."

Tsumiki shouted from downstairs, "Are you guys coming down for dinner I'm hungry!"

"Coming!" You shouted then set your gaze on Sukuna who was busy staring at Megumi. It was almost as if he was sizing him up. "Let's let Megumi settle in." Pulling on Sukuna's arm you took him out of the room. Before shutting the door you looked at Megumi who was unzipping his jacket. "I made dinner if you are hungry."

"You don't have to stay, not like you get paid anyway."

You shrugged, "I'm sure Sumi would love to have me here for a little, would you like to join us?"

"I told Tsumiki I would."

"Okay, we'll meet you down there."

"Thank you bunny."

You shut the door, and then moved down the hall as you whispered to Sukuna, "Can you eat food?"

"I can, it's gross though."

"I can say you already ate?"

"It's fine keeper."

"Please don't call me that."

"Would you rather I call you bunny?"

"Oh-." it was weird hearing the nickname come from him.

"What?" he questioned as you got the the bottom of the stairs. "You don't like when I call you that?"

"It's fine...you can also call me (Y/n)."

"The nickname suits you."

"What does that mean?" Sukuna was already walking as you followed him to the dinner table. What did he mean by the nickname suit you?

Tsumiki groaned as soon as you got to the table. "Finally!"

"Sorry sorry." you apologized to her as you sat next to her, Sukuna sitting on your left.

You began to serve the food, finishing up once Megumi came down. He sat across from you.

The four of you began to eat... and it was quite awkward. Luckily Tsumiki filled the space with idle chatter. You talked to her the most, Megumi and Sukuna not being that talkative. If it weren't for Tsumiki Megumi would not be at this table. He loved his sister despite her being from his father's second marriage.

Tsumiki perked up, her attitude seemingly shifting. A frown on her face, "Megumi?"

"Hm?" He questioned looking at her.

"Does dad... um, love me?"

"Yea, why do you say that?"

"Well, last tooth I only got a quarter and Sukuna said the amount of money I get depends on how much Dad loves me..."




The vampire snickered under his breath.

"That's not funny." Megumi hissed at the male. His glare smoldering.

"It is to me." Sukuna chuckled leaning back in his chair.

"She's just a kid don't tell her that!"

"Would you rather I tell her daddy is a cheapskate and probably gambled all his money?"

"You told him that?" Megumi furrowed his brows, hurt within his eyes.

You gasped, shaking your head. "No- please stop-"

"Don't need to be told something that's obvious kid."

Megumi stood, "You want to go outside shit head?"

"Guys stop!" you looked at Tsumiki nervously her eyes darting back and forth, her orbs big and glossy. Her mouth was open as she panted in fear.

Sukuna stood up cracking his neck back and forth, "Fuck I would love to let's go."

"Stop it right now! Sukuna!"

Sukuna licked his teeth, "You heard him bunny he wants to fight me."

"You don't know her like that don't call her that name!"

"'I'll call her whatever I want."

You moved swiftly grabbing Sukuna's arm pulling him away from Megumi.

"Where did you find this asshole?" Megumi looked at you, your pores sweating profusely.

"I'm so sorry excuse us!" you yanked Sukuna and dragged him away from the table. "Come on Sukuna!"

The vampire grumbled as you pulled him outside. You were very upset with him. Stopping by the mailbox you opened your wallet and put a twenty dollar bill in there. You texted Megumi as you walked down the sidewalk.

Me: I'm so so so sorry. I put some money in the mailbox for Tsumiki's tooth. Please put it under her pillow.

Pocketing your phone you looked at Sukuna with a glare. "Is it hard for you to behave?"

"If you are so tired of me send me to another keeper." He didn't look at all regretful of the chaos he just caused.

You had to go talk to your parents. Hopefully they know something about this inheritance, and the King of the dead.

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