Chapter 11: Flowing Tears

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(Sorry, but this chapter is horrible, I had a lot of trouble with it)

You managed to return to the cult with no issue, the first to greet you was Fey.

"(Y/N), you're back! We missed you so much".

"I was only gone for one day, but where is Lambert? I need to talk to him".

"he's in the temple, but he has been a bit distant" Amdusias said, you head over to the temple, anxiety growing in you, Lambert was on the stage looking down at a book he kept. Hearing your hooves echo on the wood Lambert's head shot up.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" he crept off the stage and made his way to you, for the last few steps he ran and engulfed you in a tight hug "You're back!" you started to feel a wet feeling on your shoulder, knowing he was crying made you cry as well, having no energy left in either of you, you both collapse, the temple was filled with the sound of you two sobbing into each other.

After some time, you pulled away, only to see his eyes red and puffy, it was a rare sight to behold, Lambert was never the type to cry, even if he were in an immense amount of pain the tears would not flow, "I'm so sorry (Y/N), I was just so scared, as soon as we get out of one bad situation we get into another one, I feel like we haven't had a brake" the ruthless leader that you last saw was gone and your loving brother was back.

"I know what you mean, and I think we needed just that, a break, a break from each other" You stood up first giving a helping hand to Lambert, which he accepted, "we needed to separate to understand what our roles are, you are the leader, the others will follow your teachings and commands, but I not a follower, I am the helper, I will help the Followers in need when you are gone, and I will help you when you need it the most" Ratau's words ring loud in your ears.

The two of you left the temple to get some fresh air, "you finally made up! Come (Y/N), we have something to show you!" Namar grabbed you by the wrist and took you to the sleeping area, there were 3 new tents that you guessed were for Arkity, Gusion and Eligos, but one tent did catch your eye, it was much bigger than the other ones with flowers draped around as decoration, and it looked much sturdier than the rest.

"Who's tent does that one belong to?" you couldn't help but ask, it stood out from the others too much.

"It's yours" Namar said, you were speechless at this point.

"We thought, you did so much to help us that you needed something special, it's a thank you from all of us!" Fey held your paw to bring you closer.

"But how? You had nothing to make this with".

"The leader went and got everything we needed" You looked at Lambert, he rubbed his neck trying to not look embarrassed at the fact that the Followers outed his without a thought. you felt tears rim your eyes knowing that you are surrounded by ones that care for you.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now