Chapter 1: The Sacrificial Beasts

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You and Lambert were at the entrance of a long corridor where you could see four tall dark figures at the end, just seeing them from afar scared you to your wit's end because you knew it was the end, you and your brother were going to die today. This deep fear caused you to freeze in place, you did not even hear the rattling of Lambert's chains move as he started to walk towards them, you only began to move when the hooded cultist behind gave you a violent shove, causing you to bump against your brother.

He looked slightly back and gave you a quiet, shaky whisper "Just stay behind me, everything will be alright" he tried to act strong for your sake, but his voice betrayed him, he was just as scared as you, you could only muster a small nod even though you knew his statement was a lie.

When you got to the end, you were placed to the side to wait your turn as Lambert knelt on the podium with a red pentagram, just then, the bishops began to speak.

"Before us stands the last two of their kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade" Heket was the first to go, her voice was strong but raspy.

"With these final sacrifices, the prophecy will be impossible to fulfil" Kallamar continued, almost sounding excited.

"The heretic who lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity" Leshy was the next to speak, he kept shaking his head as if trying to stay awake.

"And the Old Faith shall be preserved" Lastly was Shamura, their eyes darted between you and Lambert, it was hard to pinpoint what emotion was behind their voice, but if you had to say, it would be guilt.

Just as the bishops finished the speech the large executioner walked towards Lambert, lifting the bloody axe high above his head. "NO, BROTHER!" you yelled trying to get to him, only to be pushed to your knees, you could only watch with tears in your eyes as the axe was dropped, cutting clean through your brother's neck.

The world stopped at that moment, you stared at the lifeless body before you, his head rolled on the ground leaving a long line of thick blood behind like the slime of a slug. If you could, you would scream, but you could not. Just as the executioner was about to kick Lambert off the podium a bright blinding red light came from the presumably dead lamb, everyone averted their eyes.

He was alive, your dear brother was alive, wielding a sword he would swing at anyone who got too close when finally getting his bearings, he spotted you "(Y/N)!" he grabbed you by the arm and started running the way you came, slaying anyone that would come in front of you.

When the cost was finally clear he slowed down to a stop in the middle of a thick forest, you rammed into his body and began to cry "Brother, I thought I lost you forever" Lambert did not hesitate to return your attempted hug.

"Shh, it's ok, it's ok" he said gently stroking your (w/c) wool "I told you, everything will be alright".

"But you didn't know that, they killed you in front of me, nothing about that was alright" he could only give you a sheepish smile at your reply.

"I know, I'm sorry, but turn around, let me see if I can cut your chains off" You did what you were told and turned, moving your arms further away to not get accidentally cut. With his new sword, it sliced the metal with ease "Now we need to figure out how to get the cuffs off"

With your arms now free to move, you stretched them forward earning a nice click of your shoulders, "Forget that for now and let's get out of here before they find us again" Hearing the slight panic in your voice, the two of you began to run. 

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ