Chapter 6

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~hey lovely's. How was the popcorn for the last two chapters? Stale... now that's not a good thing maybe we should make some more and a better brand by chance... ignoring my popcorn talk. Welcome back and thank you for reading this. I really hope you're liking it. I would love some feedback so I can change or upgrade this story a bit. But without further comments here is chapter 6❤️✌️~

Finally a day before this game. I have been waiting for this damn game for ages, it's really only been a week but still. Geno said today was the day he would announce the starting 5 and I was scared. I mean I played really good during the practices. I was perfect from the field almost every practice.

That is mostly because I have been coming to the gym and court everyday, practice or not. Shit in that time I managed to help Azzi after practice with of course Paige watching my every move on the paper.

I swear she just wanted to see me fail right in front of her and I wasn't having it. Got to the point where I was like 'Paige are you going to keep staring or will you also help Azzi.' Azzi thought it was hilarious and Paige on the other hand was like 'nope all you.'

That asshole, cute and hot asshole... Anyway, Jackson also texted me a lot saying he wanted to see me again. He also said he would go to the game for me. He promised to wear my jersey number on his cheek. Jackson made sure to get court side tickets too. Perks of being the star QB I guess.

I would be lying to you if I said I was excited to see him there. I wasn't. I was really getting close to Paige. She was the one who mostly stayed with me after practices not only to watch me help Azzi but to practice with me separately.

We grew amazing chemistry on the court from it and it showed in the scrimmage we played. We were like the splash brothers out there. Of course me being Curry and her Klay. We knew exactly were to pass it to each other and where to be. Like Paige is a big cutter to the basket and me I'm more of a mid/ 3 person.

I like my shots on the left arc and she likes it on the right. Personally I'll take either side of the arc but the top of the arc... I like it... only when I'm OPEN OPEN. If I am not I will not take a shot from there.

Let me tell you this, Paige and me on and off the court are on fire though. Paige got to get a page for her Gatorade sponsorship and me with my Nike one. It's funny because me and Paige will switch places because I have one to do with Gatorade and her with Nike.

Seems like we we crushing it and the season didn't start yet. See how easy it is to have a good time when you aren't worrying about the massive crush you have on the blonde... WRONG that shit is more awake than ever. Paige is the reason why though, not only because it's on her but she's been the one pushing to be near me.

It's was cute that she wanted to be near and with me right now though. Maybe she knows that I have been really stressed, that's why. I mean she did catch me on a very horrible call with my mom.

~Flash back to the phone call~

~Paige's POV~

I promised Y/n to help her with her three shot after practice but it's been 15 minutes and no sign of her. I know she didn't leave yet because she left her bottle and her slide behind. Maybe I should check on her and make sure she's okay.

I decided to go to the locker room where she was supposed to be to get her headphones. It wasn't until I walked up to the door when I realized why she wasn't on the court yet. She was angry and I knew it from the voice she was using.


It's More Than Basketball~ PAIGE BUECKERSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum