18 calla | sumin

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song inspo | calla - wave to earth

chaevin absolutely adores everything about her boyfriend. she really does.

but there's one thing she hates.

she can't stay mad at him so he's a spoiled brat.

he makes her laugh like a mad woman.

she is currently getting ready for a much needed girls night out. and her boyfriend is standing in the door frame watching.

" hey, i know we're in a fight or whatever, but how are you going to look that good and then expect me to conceal not feel like i'm elsa or something? "

chaevin bit her tongue and continued applying her makeup in hopes of not encouraging his behavior.

" also why is all your makeup sensual? "

" what are you yapping about sumin? "

she looked up at him annoyed as he picked up a mascara and eyeliner.

" better than sex? wet n wild? is your lipstick called 'this poosay' or something? "

the girl started to laugh but masked it as a cough.

" can you go away? i'm mad at you right now. "

sumin whined and back hugged her sweetly, while burying his face into her neck.

" baby i don't even know why you're mad at me. i didn't do anything! "

chaevin let him stay there because she knows once sumin is on you, there's no getting him off. he's clingy like a fingerling.

" sumin you forgot our anniversary! and then when i went out with my friend you literally yelled at him because we hugged! you need to think about why you're staying home today while i go out. "

" he was basically grabbing your ass! i believe i did nothing wrong. also, the anniversary thing wasn't that big of a deal. "

chaevin turned around and looked at him in disbelief.

" you're unbelievable. "

sumin groaned as chaevin walked away from him.

all he wants to do is make out and cuddle but she won't even talk it out with him.

" chaevin i said i'm sorry a million times "

" well this is your punishment. i'm going out tonight without you and you have no say. "

chaevin said sternly without even looking at him.

the boy sighed dramatically and stood in front of her.

" i just don't get why i have to get a punishment when i didn't even do anything wrong in the first place. "

she turned around and gave him a look that made him regret everything he's ever said.

" you just bought yourself a touch ban for the rest of the weekend "

" fine! see if i care! "

sumin yelled and slammed the door.


it was about eleven pm when chaevin got home.

" baby I'm back! "

no response.

" sumin?! "


she walked around the house in hopes of finding her boyfriend.

finally, she found him sprawled out in the bed snoring peacefully.

she slipped her shoes off and headed towards the bed to give him a kiss on his cheek.

when she tried to walk away to change, sumin grabbed her wrist.

" come here "

she gave him a soft smile that you could barely see due to the minimal lighting.

" but you're on a touch ban "

" just come here "

chaevin let out a chuckle when she let him pull her into his arms. sumin began stroking her hair and kissing her on the forehead.

" you're so pretty baby "

" thank you "

sumin pulled the girl impossibly closer and laid his chin on the top of her head.

" and i'm so lucky and happy to have you in my life. i shouldn't take advantage of you. i need to make you happy not angry and i'll try to fix that. "

" sumin you make me happy everyday. i'm so so lucky to have you too. "

" as lucky as my green hair? "

chaevin laughed and give him a chaste kiss on the lips.

" yes baby, as lucky as your hair "


the next morning you woke up to a five star breakfast and gifts.

" sumin what is all this? "

" i feel bad about our anniversary, so i'm making it up to you. "

" aww, baby "

you ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

" no more touch ban?! "

" well obviously. "

sumin jumped and did a lap around the room.

" THANK GOD! i don't know what i would've done, being completely honest with you "

you should've kept it.

for the next two hours he was on top of you snuggling into your chest.

" the food's frozen by now sumin. "

" shh, i woke up at five am for this baby "


- ningning !! 🖤

xikers imagines ,,Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang