-The Unwanted News-

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Pacing back and forth in my room, my mind racing with a million thoughts. I couldn't accept the idea that our love story was destined to end before it had even begun. Fitz was more than a friend to me. The room around me faded into a blur as I tried to process the crushing disappointment. Memories of our time together flashed through my mind like a broken film reel. The laughter we shared, the moments of comfort and understanding. All of it now seemed like a distant dream.

Nothing seemed real anymore. This means we are a Bad Match and can't be together, we are better to be friends for life. Everything within us doesn't complete the other well enough for it to work out. Laying on my bed the tears come again. Wasn't I supposed to have a happy ever after with him? It was supposed to happen. Now it was taken away just like that.

The most difficult thing was telling Fitz the news. Knowing darn well that he will blame me for our failure. My heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and uncertainty clouding my thoughts. I couldn't bear the weight of Fitz's anger directed towards me. I had heard stories of broken relationships turning into animosity, and I didn't want that for them.

He terrifies her beyond belief when I have to tell him these types of things. The anger will just overtake him. I knew being Unmatchable was a disaster waiting to happen. Why did I think there would be any hope for me now.

Being Unmatchable was always a harbinger of disaster. It meant that no matter how hard I tried, I could never fit into the perfect mold society had constructed. And now, that reality was staring me in the face. It will always be a burden on my back that I could never shake off. Always there never going away.

I collapsed onto my bed, clutching the letter tightly. Tears welled up in my eyes as a million thoughts raced through my mind. How could this be happening? Fitz and I had a connection that surpassed all boundaries, or so I thought. We laughed, we understood each other in ways no one else could, and yet, it wasn't enough.

As I wiped away my tears, memories of our moments together flooded my mind. The times we spent exploring the hidden corners of our world, the late-night conversations that delved into the depths of our souls. None of that mattered now. It all amounted to nothing, deemed insignificant by a test that claimed to know better.

I fought the urge to tear the letter into pieces, to rip apart the reminder of our failure. Instead, I took a deep breath and looked into the mirror. My reflection stared back at me; a face filled with sorrow and frustration. How had I let myself believe that I could defy the system? That I could find love and happiness, even as an Unmatchable?

Thats just it. I couldn't and I never will. Me and Fitz can never be together. We didn't balance each other out. The biggest reason was his anger problem, saying that it would potentially ruin things down the road and the Matchmakers couldn't do that to me.

Edaline walks into my room concerned, at seeing my tears. Sitting next to me pulling into my arms. "I know this isn't what you wanted. But sometimes, life has a different plan for us." I sniffed, more tears threatening to spill over. "But I thought...I thought Fitz and I were meant to be together."

Edaline pulled me into a tight embrace, allowing me to bury my face in her shoulder. "Sometimes, what we want isn't what's best for us," she murmured. "But that doesn't mean it's the end of everything. Maybe...maybe being friends with Fitz is better than being nothing at all."

"I thought I was in love with him. If I'm not in love with him. What is love anyway." I question feeling a little deflated.

"Sweetheart love is like the delicate petals of a blooming flower, fragile yet resilient. It is a feeling that fills your heart and makes everything seem brighter." Edaline says gently. "So, what are me and Fitz supposed to be? I thought love was the answer with him" I asked her unsure of myself.

"That's the beautiful thing about love and friendship, my dear. They intertwine, yet also exist independently. Love isn't limited to romantic relationships alone. It can be found in the deep bond of true friendship, in the support and understanding that comes from those who truly care for you."

Feeling a newfound sense of hope, I hugged Edaline tightly. "Thank you, Mom. I'm so grateful for your wisdom and the love you've given me."

Edaline kissed my forehead, my heart swelling with love. "You're my daughter, Sophie. And I'll always be here to guide you and remind you of the strength and beauty within you. Love may be unpredictable, but your heart is capable of so much more than you know."

As I nestled into Edaline's embrace, a sense of peace settled upon me. Though her heart had experienced a setback, I knew that love and friendship would continue to fill my life with beauty and joy. With Edaline's guidance, I was ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that my heart was resilient and capable of loving in countless ways.

Now two questions remain. How will I tell Fitz? And Who does my heart truly want? My answer to the second question is that it is something I will have to discover for myself. Now the first one I have no clue, it's terrifying me. 


*Awe. Bittersweet moment. Don't worry Sophie you will find who you love. If you push past your oblivious*

"The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky. My stars are aligning, and I swear that I. Could do anything on such a beautiful day. (It really is, it's such a beautiful day)" (Such A Beautiful Day-Candance Flynn--Phineas & Ferb)

Keep Being Cool


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