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Lydia's POV:

I wake up with soft snores coming from my left as i realise i'm almost falling of the bed. I look over to my left to find Mia spread out on the bed like a starfish.


I quietly roll out of bed, falling on the floor as I do so and make my way to the kitchen... breakfast it is then. After a while, the pancakes are in the pan as i wait for them to be ready. Then I remember what I did yesterday..

I applied for job

I run into the living room and open my laptop to check my mailbox... and then I see it. There are two emails, from both McLaren and Ferarri.

Holy fuck i'm gonna shit my pants

I open the first email... McLaren.

Dear Lydia,

I'm happy to report that your application has arrived! All of us at McLaren appreciate your intrest in the media manager position and I look forward to reviewing your information in the next few days.

We are targeting to hire by February 25th, so keep an eye out for any email updates. We may want to schedule an interview straight away.

Of course, i will keep you posted on your application's status, and thanks to the collaborative team here at McLaren.

Kind regards,


Okay so there's hope... I didn't expect that. Okay now Ferarri...

Hi Lydia,

Thank you for applying to the media manager position at Ferarri.

I'd like to inform you that we've received your application. Our hiring team is currently reviewing all applications and we are planning to schedule interviews in the next 2 weeks. If you are among qualified candidates, you will receive a call from one of our recruiters to schedule an interview. In any case, we will keep you posted on the status of your application.

Thank you, again, for taking time to this role at Ferarri.

Best regards,

Scuderia Ferarri

They haven't even told me if i'm hired, but the excitement takes over and i let out a loud squeal. "WHAT?!" Mia comes running in and calms down when she sees the big grin on my face. I point at the screen and she walks over.

"Shit, my pancakes!" I run back to the kitchen, just in time to flip the pancakes over... they're a little darker then usual but whatever.

Another loud squeal comes from the living room and i immediately smile. "Babes they're so gonna pick you!" Mia says as she walks in. "You don't know that" I say "you're right, I don't... but would you rather have me tell you they wont?" She says smiling "no" i say laughing "okay well stop complaining then... they're so gonna pick you" she laughs.

I grab us both two plates and lay the pancakes on them, Mia watching closely as i do so. "So... i was thinking of calling my mom some time..." i say slowly and Mia immediately looks up "okay.. ehm... are you sure?.... I mean after last time wh~" "yeah i know i wanted to break all contact, but she's my mom you know... and Alyssa told me she thinks she's gotten better."

Me and my sister are closer then close... but we don't see each other very much. Alyssa lives in Florida, close to my mom and i live in New York.

My mom and I used to be really close too, but after my dad died... she broke.

She loved my dad... and I loved him too. I never meant for it to happen... everyone tells me it's not my fault... but my mom does blame me for what happened and deep down inside i blame myself too...

So my mom kicked me out off the house when turned 18 and broke all contact with me. Then she called me up a year later to ask how I've been... and I didn't know why she wanted contact with me but i took my chance... turns out she needed money, and I would've given it to her if it wasn't for the fact that she was going to buy alcohol from it.

So she started hating me all over again and i decided it would be best if i was the one to break off all contact this time.........so I did.

"Okay well... if that's what you want... I would never stop you." She says smiling and i smile too

"Oh! That reminds me, i have to call Alyssa about everything!! She doesn't even know i'm fired.." i say "well hurry up then!" Mia says and I grab my phone as i run to my room.

Before I can even unlock my phone, someone calls me.

No way, it's Alyssa

I pick up and before she can say hi, I say "Holy shit we're telepathic! I was just about to call you" "omg really!?" She asks and i laugh "yess!!" She laughs too "so what's been going on?" She asks.. and i sigh "okay that doesn't sound good... let's switch to face time" she says and after a few seconds her smiling face fills the screen

"okay brace yourself" i say and she raises her eyebrows "i got fired yesterday.." "WHAT!?" "BUT.... i also just applied for a new job..." i say "okay whoah wait.. why'd you get fired?" She asks looking confused "My boss couldn't afford it anymore" i say as i shrug "oh i'm sorry Lia..." she says "I'll be fine.. i might already have a new one." "Yeah what did you apply for?" She asks "okay don't laugh" i reply and she raises her eyebrows once again "i applied as a media manager for either Ferarri or McLaren in formula one" i say rather fast and she just looks at me..

"media manager?" "Yeah" "in formula one?" "Yep"  i say. She laughs... "hey I told you not to laugh!!" "I'm sorry" she says still laughing " i just didn't expect that.. you went from coffee barista to media manager..." "yeah i know but it's worth a try.." i say raising my shoulders "okay yeah... you're right. Let me know what happens, i'll always root for you, no matter what your job is." "Even if i was a stripper?" I ask "especially if you were a stripper" she says jokingly and i laugh

"hows mom?" I ask and she sighs "i think she's good.. but i can never tell... she misses you" "i was actually thinking about calling her some time" i say softly "i think thats a good idea... she'd be up for that" "good" "okay well i gotta go, or i'll have yesterday's donuts for dinner" she says and i laugh "okay bye, I love you" "Love you more" she says and hangs up


I still don't know what's happening.

Also... what is going on? First, Lewis to Ferarri, and now theres a rumour that Alex might go to Red Bull??? What!??

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