"ITS A BOY!!" Michael cheered and picked me up

"We are having a son!!" I cried

"My son.." He put me down then got down on one knee and kissed my bump

"Our son.."

"Only ours.."

"The best little boy we could ask for."

"Liz.. Liz.. Liz.. Elizabeth." Michael shook me as my alarm blasted sound into the room


"You have to get ready for your doctor's appointment."


"I know.. but let's go." Michael kissed my head and walked out

Timeskip- At the doctor's

"Elizabeth Gillies?" Dr. Johnson called

"Hey." I said groggily

"Hi.. How are you.."

"Miserable." She sighed

"I'm sorry." The doctor consoled

"What did you come in here for today?" she asked as I hopped onto the table

"Michael and I are trying to conceive and it hasn't been working, I missed the period and had morning sickness and other symptoms, but no baby.."

"Mr. Corcoran. Mrs.Gillies, Are either of you familiar with the condition PCOS?"


"Well PCOS is Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges..." Dr. Johnson explained


"Yes, which could explain everything. But I would like to get some tests done.."

"If I have it, how did I get it?"

"We haven't figured out women get it but it could be genetics or something."

"Can it be treated?" Michael asked

"Yes, with medication, and injections."

"How long will I need to take it all?" I looked the doctor in the face

"About a year or until you can have a positive pregnancy test."

"Son of a bitch.." I whispered

Michael's POV

I rubbed Liz's hand as we took in the news. I hate seeing Liz upset like this but I know we will get over it.. somehow

"I will need to draw blood from the both of you to make sure. To check for PCOS in Liz, and to check your hormones, and Michael, we may need a sperm sample from you." The doctor explained

"Of course..Yes, anything."

"So I will draw the blood and then send you off into a room so you can give us that sample."

"Yes doctor.."

"Great.. Now if you could follow me."

"Alright.. baby I'll be back."

"Okay." Liz played on her phone while she waited

"Okay.. I am back." I handed the doctor the cup and sat with Liz.

Timeskip- an hour later

"Hey, So I have good news and bad news." Dr. Johnson held a folder

"Good news?" Liz jumped

"Michael's hormones are in tip top shape." We smiled

"So bad news?" I jumped

"Liz has PCOS.. But with the medication, you two could have a baby.. in about 6 months to a year."

"Thank you so much doctor." Liz hugged the doctor and we headed to the car

"I'm sorry." Liz's voice broke and she laid her head on my chest

"What for?" I teared up with her

"Not having a good womb for our baby."

"Liz it's not your fault." I sniffed

"It is.. My body is failing me, it's failing you." She cried

"No, No.."  I consoled


"I swear." I kissed her and then we wiped our tears and headed home

Timeskip- 5 months later Michael's POV

"I'm going to take an ovulation test." I walked to the bathroom.

"Okay baby.."

"Babe.." Liz yelled looking at her test


"It says I'm ovulating.."

"Liz babe, That's wonderful news!!" I kissed her

"Are you up for it?" Liz gave me the look

"With you, I'd do it everyday if you'd ask.."

"Good.. Let's go." She jumped into my arms and I pushed to the bed and began to undress her.

Timeskip- A few weeks later (Still Michael's POV)

"My period hasn't come yet.."

"Have you been taking your injections?"

"Yeah.. I have.."

"What about your birth control?"


"Okay.. Well then take a test.."

"I have faith this time." I smiled

"Me too, more than usual." She giggled

"Whatever it is, I'm proud for going this far, with this many negatives."

"Me too.. Okay, the timer is going off." Liz set her camera up so she could catch this moment

"Do you want to do it?" I asked


"Okay, Ready?" I asked

"Never been more ready." We giggled


"And?" I looked at her as she slid to the floor and cried

"It's positive.."

"Are you serious.."

"Baby. I swear I have a baby inside me right now.. holy shit.."

"Oh my goodness... we are having a baby!!" We cried and kissed each other.

"Let's wait to tell everyone.. I just want to spend this time for us.. the three of us.."

"Of course.." I placed a hand on her belly

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