Try, Try again

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Note- It's a little short so I am terribly sorry but pls let me know if you want a part two!!!!!

Michael's POV

"It's good.." Liz moaned as she finished her lunch

"That's good, I know to make this recipe again."

"Thank you."

"Hey Alexa, Save my most recent recipe!" I called to the device in the kitchen

"Let's go watch a movie." Liz suggested

"Okay." I loaded the dishwasher and then we headed to bed

I don't feel good.." Liz walked up the stairs

"I'm gonna pick you up.." Liz gagged in his arms and then he laid her in their bed

"Why do you feel sick.. You have no fever and no cold.."

"I could be pregnant?"

"Are you sure?" I cocked my head


"Okay well go ahead and take one.."

"Okay I love yo-" She dry heaved mid sentence..

"I love you too.." I couldn't help but laugh

"Okay it's loading.."

"Babe?" Liz asked from my lap


"Do you want me to be pregnant?"

"I mean it would be nice if it's a positive but if it's negative I know it's just not our time.."

"I love you.."

"I love you.."

"Hey Liz?"


"Do you want it to be positive?" I asked

"I mean for the most part, yeah.." She stumbled

"Well, it's time to check.." I smiled



"No.." Liz sniffed

"It's.. negative."

"My baby, I'm sorry.."

"It's okay.." Her voice broke

"Do you want to go to bed?"

"Yeah.. I think so.."

"Okay.. Let's go then.."

"Goodnight." She let a tear leave her eye as she drifted to bed

Timeskip- 3 months later Liz's POV

"It's gender reveal time!" I cheered to Michael who was tying his shoes

"I'm team girl!"

"Me too .." I laughed

"Okay let's head out, everyone is waiting for us.."

"Hey you made it out!" My mom laughed kissing my cheek

"We did.." Michael laughed shaking my dad's hand

"Okay.. now that the parents to be are here let's get this gender revealed!" My mom cheered and everyone encouraged us

"To a new chapter.."

"To a new chapter.." I kissed him and we cut the cake to reveal a blue cake..

"OH MY GOD!!" I screamed and picked the plate up.

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