The Idiot Returns

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It took them a day to agree upon the memories they would give Ron before he was released near the muggle police station that partnered with the DMLE. To her credit, Bella did exactly as they had discussed with only one slight modification. "A souvenir to remember our time together," she whispered to him prior to adjusting his memories. As a courtesy she left the memory of her stabbing him in the feet with her daggers. It was one of her favorite memories of their time together and thought he would benefit from being a little scared of her. Well more so than he normally was. "It's done," she told them when she came up the stairs. "I also took it upon myself to knock him out so you can transport him when he needs to go tonight," she glanced at her nephew.

"A few streets over from the precinct," he nodded.

"You'll have to featherlight him," Andy smirked, "you must have fed him good down there Bella. He's looking a little chunky."

Bell cackled, "lucky Hermione didn't come. She'd smack you for insulting him."

"How are things there?"

Bella shrugged, "better than they were. Plus, she seems to finally have realized what a waste of good oxygen that man is. When we were getting ready for bed last night," Andy's eyebrows shot up. "Yes, we shared a bed but no nothing happened. Baby steps."

"I don't need to hear about this," Teddy grimaced.

"Like I was saying," she continued, "when we were in bed she called Victoria 'that weasel girl' and I have never been prouder to call her my wife."

"Why didn't she want to come with us?"

"In case it ever gets back to this location, we thought it better not to have her magical presence anywhere near here." When they had discussed that it made sense to Bella so she didn't argue. "So you'll drop him off and place an anonymous phone call to the police. They will bring him in for holding. After the idiot boy wakes, he'll identify himself and the precinct will contact me."

"Why you, auntie?"

"I'm still the only contact the muggle police have for our department. I never changed it when I retired because what would be the fun in that for me," she laughed. "So, they will call me and I'll call Potter. Then he will be picked up by one of you and the questioning begins. I of course will be there for the event."

"Of course you wouldn't miss the fun," Andy smirked.

"Potter should've known better than to get me involved in the first place."

"Then," Teddy continued on with the plan, "Ron will confess that he left due to the pressure of keeping his daughter's attempted murder a secret."

"Precisely," Bella nodded, "then we head to Hogwarts for the second portion of Hermione's apology tour including a cameo from the headmistress and Red. Victoria gets what's coming to her and my girls get justice."

"How does it feel to be living in someone else's apology tour for once?"

"You'd think it would be a little more satisfying," Bella looked at her sister. "I just want my girls to be happy. Like I told Hermione, I don't care what happens to me."

Teddy hated when Bella would downplay her life's worth. "I care about what happens to you. I'm just sorry I didn't see this sooner."

"You are one of my most favorite people," she grabbed his hand. "Don't ever change."

"Did it feel weird seeing your old self? Grandma said I shouldn't ask but I've been dying to know."

Bella laughed when Andy smacked him on the arm, "she's something else. Thankfully the potions seem to be working and I haven't spotted her in a day. I fully expected to see her in the basement but she wasn't there."

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