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Minnie and Bella exited the floo inside of the hospital. "What are you going to do about Weasley mummy?"

Bella patted Minnie on her shoulder, watching as her wife and Sam exited the fireplace. A sickeningly sweet smile accompanied by darkened eyes appeared on the dark witch's face, "I'm going to do what needs to be done."

Cass was taken straight to the ICU in the muggle ward awaiting her surgery. Bella and Hermione had been outside talking with Dr. Hoffman about what was to be expected in terms of outcome and recovery while Minnie and Sam were inside of the room keeping an unconscious Cass company. Minnie was pacing the floor looking more and more like Bella. "Don't you want to sit down and talk to your sister? She can hear us, you know."

"You are such a hufflepuff sometimes, Sam. I'm trying to think. Talk for both of us."

Sam felt a little concerned for her friend but turned her attention to her girlfriend, "hey Cass. It's me. Sam." She gave a little wave that immediately made her feel stupid since Cass couldn't see her. "You have to have surgery. And then it's going to be hard. You are going to really have to put in the effort. I believe in you. You are the strongest most determined person I've ever met. If anyone can teach themself to walk again, it's you. I have faith that you'll be flying again by the end of the season. Those scouts will be lining up to cut you deals. Everyone wants you on their teams. We already know this, babe. You can do it. Plus, you have to take me to all of the dances this year. It's like an unwritten rule. I have to dance with you at least once during our seventh year. I'm going to get all of our work so that way I can help you prepare for the NEWTS. I can't believe this happened to you." She reached out and grabbed Cass's hand, leaning in to whisper. "Your sister seems a little off kilter. I'll keep an eye on her so she doesn't go off the deep end. Bella also seems a little out of sorts. She knows the truth. The three of us do. It was Victoria. I'm just a little worried Minnie and your mum will go after her. If there's any chance in hell I can stop them, I will. You are the top priority."

Minnie slowed her pacing to look at her sister, "she has to be okay," came out in a small voice. The realization of everything that had been told to her over the past hour came rushing to the forefront and the revenge took a backseat, "right?" She walked over, grabbing a seat and pulling it next to her friend. Tears started welling up in her eyes, "she has to be. She's an utter pain in my arse most days but she's also my best friend. I can't imagine doing this without her."

"We can't think like that," Sam wrapped the younger Black up in a tight hug. "Cass is strong. She's a Black. She is young and healthy. We have to stay positive."

"I know that what you are saying is right but I also can't help to think that this is going to gut her when she wakes up and realizes her dreams are over."

"We don't know that, yet."

Minnie wiped her tears, rolling her eyes, "you hufflepuffs are too positive for your own good. I'm glad my sister has you. She's going to need you to be the strong one." She relaxed into Sam's embrace for a moment before asking, "can I have a moment alone with Cass?"

"Of course," Sam let go of her friend, giving Cass a kiss on her forehead, "I'll go see if your mothers have any other information."

Minnie watched Sam leave the room before turning back to her sister, "Cass" she tried her best to hold in her sobs. "I know you can hear me. I need you to bounce back from this. I need you, sis. I know you have Sam but you are my person and I need you. I need you to come back to me. I can't imagine any of this without you, even if I hate you a good majority of the time. I love you." She rested her head next to her sister. It reminded of her all those nights she snuck into Cass's room growing up and crawling into her bed or her first year at school when she would sneak into Cass's bed because she was homesick. Her older sister was her best friend, her person and Minnie wasn't letting go. "I beat the shit out of Weasel for you. Would've killed her too if mummy hadn't stopped me. I'll get her for you. Just get better for me. Deal?" Of course her sister just laid there but if she didn't know any better she thought she felt a slight tremor in Cass's hand even if it wasn't anything, it meant something to Minnie.

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