"Are you shy?" I ask her.
"No." She says but turns the other side and covers her face. 

I pull her hand away gently from her face, "Then why is your face red as your lips?" 
She shove my hand away to free her hand and tries to cover her face again. I grab both her hand tightly this time. She closes her eyes, like a child she must be thinking that if she can't see me I cannot she her either. She breaths hard and my eyes falls on her blouse. The odhini got stuck between me and her, revealing the cleavage as her blouse could not hold. I can feel the growing inside my dhoti. The candles and the aroma in the room is not helping me control myself. 'This is not the first time you are near a woman. Control yourself.' I scold myself. She no doubt is not just any woman, she makes me crazy with just a look. But I can't weird her out now like this. 

I took a pillow and keep it between up so she would not feel. She opens her eyes, "What happen?" She asks. 

"Nothing." I tell her and slide my hand under her head and pulls her closer by her waist, spooning her with the pillow in between. 

"Are you fine?" She asks me. 

"I am the one who should be asking that." I say

"I mean the ceremony was kinda rush." 

"It's fine." I tell her and kisses her check. 

"Hmm well, you can have a big ceremony on your next one." She says. 

I keep my head on her head, "Why do you want me to marry again? I thought you will choose me." She doesn't say anything so I speak again. "Do you want someone else? Or is Arjun's petty act working on you?" 

"Don't say like that." She says softly.

Even though he is my brother it irritates me. It's not because we were not raised together but my wife is just mine. And it does bother me that he is still very much in love with Draupadi, always following her around whenever he can, getting angry when she gets close to someone. It should be doing all that. And it worries me that it will affect Draupadi. Afterall he is also her husband. I grab her face lightly and turn her head to me. "Why? Do you care for him?" 

"He is your brother." She says looking at me. 

My anger and insecurity mixed, I tell her, "I always listened to you. I didn't say anything when you married them, I didn't say anything when you came to the unfinish chamber in Hastinapur to meet me. You could have said no to this marriage if you didn't want to. Unlike your marriage with them, you had a choice this time. But you choose to marry me. Now you can't leave. You have to be with me. I won't let you go." 

"I didn't even say anything." She pouts. 

"You didn't but I am just giving a heads up so that no one can say anything afterward. You can take your time but you can't go to anyone else now. All those choosing one condition you have, you have to choose me. I won't remarry, Panchali. It's only you. It's always been you. And for you also it has to be me. I won't stand silently anymore. Even if it's my brother. So You have to choose me, don't drive me crazy anymore." I confess.
But she smirks, she smirks beautifully like she always does when she teases me, "What if I don't?"

I let my muscle control me tighten my grip on my face so she wouldn't move and bring my face closer to hers. I bite her lips softly at first but then I couldn't control it. I started kissing and biting her lips, she let out a moan maybe from pain but that just gives me more strength. I remove the pillow and put one leg over her, placing her in between my legs. My left arms went under her back and grabs her waist. She keeps her hands on my shoulder, not wanting it between us I grab both her wrist with my right hand and keep it over her head and start kissing her again. I can feel her breast moving up and down on my chest as she breaths hard. I let her breath for a moment, her eyes filled with pleasure, her mouth wet from our saliva. I could not wait and went in to kiss her neck. Biting and sucking in between the kisses. "You can't go out tomorrow." I tell her.

"Why?" She ask breathing heavily.
"This will leave mark." I say before sucking hard below her collar bone and lick her left cleavage. She moans and I hold her tighter. I wanted to be gentle but she's making me go hard with her expression, her eyes and her sound. My hand reach up to her blouse, grazing the border. I want to tear it off but didn't. I don't want her to think I am an animal on the wedding night only. 

Just then I hear some sound. Trumpets? I look at Draupadi but she also look just as confuse. Within seconds someone knocks on the door. 

"Maharani, Yuvraj Duryodhaan is approaching with others." The lady outside says.

I release Draupadi and sit up on the bed, cursing myself in my head for disturbing Dryodhaan on his marriage night.  "I have to go out." I tell her.

"It's fine." She says avoiding my eyes, wiping the saliva on her mouth.  

"Are you fine?" I hold her face.

"I am." She says and smile. I wait for few moments to cool down before I go out and kill Duryodhaan.

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