Missing Memories and Broken Promises

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Something that is seen as dangerous or exciting. An adventure to a human could range anywhere between a small tour of the local supermarket at the Town Square, or a mountain trail full of greenery and wildlife. The vast blue sky of the day and the endless illuminated stars of the night were a treasure to behold. Monsters didn't have that pleasure anymore, but they remembered the feeling nonetheless.

Adventure is something that Asriel loves, much like every curious child his age. Something that Asriel craved. Every day was a new adventure, a new discovery, and a new journey. And yesterday, he had the biggest adventure in his little five-year-old life! On one of his daily adventures, he found a human! Asriel had never seen a human before. Were they normally this small, or was it because Izuku was a kid like him?

Either way, Asriel had all the time in the world to learn more about humans... as soon as Izuku got his memories back. In the meantime, he'll have to tell him all about his adventures, and maybe he can even take him on a few of his own! He'll show him all the sights and sounds of the Underground and his favorite spots to play. And since they are friends now, that means he'll be able to play all those games he heard about! He's never had a friend to play with before, but now he'll finally get a chance to be like all the other kids! Oh, all the things they could do together, and Asriel will be the one to teach it to him!

This was going to be so much fun!

. . .

Izuku listened politely as Asriel showed him all of his drawings (scribbles, more like, but who was he to judge? It's not like he could do much better), rambling about what they were and where he saw them. Izuku found himself wanting to follow Asriel on his next adventure. Toriel said that his head should be healed up enough for him to leave the house by any time this week. He hoped it was soon because that pile of leaves Asriel drew looked very fun to play with. "I like jumping in the leaves. They make funny crunchy noises when you crush them," he had said. Izuku wanted to hear the funny noises.

But for now, he'll listen to Asriel and his stories.

Asriel wasn't the only one who told him stories, of course. Asriel had taken to cuddling him in their now-shared bed while Asgore told them bedtime stories of his time on the surface. He spoke of how monsters came to be and the wonders of their magic. He spoke of silly pranks with close friends. He spoke of his meeting with Toriel and their love. He spoke of his home and his people. He spoke of adventures and discoveries. He spoke of promises and bonds. He spoke of strong warriors and allies lost to time. He spoke of life and its lessons. Izuku held onto every word, always yearning for more.

Sometimes, when Toriel wasn't busy with her duties and tending to his health, she would sit the two boys down at the fireplace and read her books. Sometimes it was snail facts, sometimes it was old fables, and sometimes it was fairytales. But somehow, she'd use every single one as another lesson to remember. Izuku found that, unlike Asriel, he liked to learn. Once Toriel picked up on this, she was quick to sit him down and teach him to read and write. Toriel was more than happy to indulge in his newly discovered obsession.

Asriel was never very interested in studying, but maybe that was because his lessons were more about royal traditions than scholarship. Toriel had said that his lessons served a different purpose than Asriel's, but he'd likely get Asriel's lessons eventually, even if it was only to assist Asriel in his duties. She never elaborated on what his supposed duty was, though she did promise to tell him someday "when the time was right." It still left him with a burning curiosity, but he could be patient.

Perhaps when Izuku's memories returned, he'd be able to tell stories of his own.

. . .

Today was the day!

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