"You got it."

"Ok so you know how the hero tower blew up?"


"It was him. Also he has caught one of my 'fireballs' or 'bombs', gotten away from us because he has wings that apparently XD gave him, and has void powers. And mind powers, that work on me."

"What the FUCk?! That kid?!"

A muffled 'Not a kid, I'm a big man' could be heard from in the room.

"Dude, so, you want me to look into his past?" She said in a hushed voice

"Yes, please. He's a mystery to us, and we need to know more about him to get the upper hand."

"Fair ok, I just need to touch him so that should be easy." I then walked into the room with Niki behind me.

Niki approached Tommy and he instantly got up and booked it to next to Kristin.

"If you want to touch me you'll have to catch me bitch. I'm not stupid!" Tommy shouted

"How did you hear us?!" I say, this kid keeps surprising me.

"Dude I literally have the power to control people with mind control and you're surprised about my good hearing?"

"I mean yeah!" Who was this kid!

"I won't hurt you!" Niki walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder,"See look I'll use it on Will, it won't hurt him."

Her eyes went white for a second like they always did and back again, "See?"

Tommy reached out his hand to her with a crazy grin on his face. With just that look you could send him to a psych ward, primes.

"Have fun Niki,but I'll warn you. To be nice of course. Be carefulllll." Tommy's look went back to a care free one

Kristin gave him a warning look, and he returned it with a shrug, what was going on between them? It looks like Kristin knew what he was going to do? But what could he do?

"Thank you Tommy. Is Tommy just a nick name?" Niki said before she reached out

"Just Tommy. I'd say it was on my birth certificate but I'm undocumented."

This kid was so weird, wtf happened to him.

Niki gave him a questioning look before she took his extended hand.

Niki eyes instantly went black stead of white, what the hell was he doing???

"HEY! What are you doing!" I yelled

Techno stared at the situation, it looked like he wanted to step in.

Niki let go of Tommy's hand and stumbled backwards.

"What happened?!? What did you see?" I said as I helped her to a chair.

"I-I. I looked everywhere. There's nothing. All I say was void, there's not even anything from today. So he either blocked my power or, he doesn't have any memory." She gasped

"Numero uno!" Tommy said back laughing, "I warned you!"

Wilbur sat next to Niki trying to calm her down. Rubbing circles on her palm (not shipping you sickos).

"How did you do that?" Techno questions, he wouldn't be caught dead saying he cares about someone, but he showed it.

"How does anyone do anything honestly?" Tommy states back mysteriously.

Why can't this kid just give straight answers??

"I'm so glad you all could meet! Tommy doing that wasn't ideal, " She gave Tommy a look, "But I'm glad that we are all here." Kristen pipes in.

I looked at Tommy, I can't figure him out. How did he posses so many powers? Maybe XD had a play in that. That was the only way this could make sense.

Tommy who was still at Kristen's side looked equally as happy as her, even when surrounded by people who could hurt him. Or maybe we couldn't?

Tommy looked very comfortable with Kristen, how long had they known each other? He stood confidently on one side of her, Phil on the other.

"You can't just blow stuff up you know." Techno huffs

"That's my thing..." Wilbur mumbled

"You mad I do it better than you?" Tommy snickers

"No I'm mad that people will think we are in less control than we are. You know, because a non-syndicate member blew up something on our turf!"

"What if he was a member then?" Kristen asks nonchalantly.

"You're not serious right? He's a kid." Techno dead pans

"Says the guy who put an axe through my chest." Tommy mumbles

"Kinda hypocritical of you man." Wilbur snickers

"Oh shut up you supported him." Tommy glares

Wilbur puts his hands up acting innocent

"I have no clue what you're talking about Tommy." Wilbur puts on an act trying to look as though he could do no wrong.

"We don't even know if he can fight!" Techno continues

"I'd beat your ass." Tommy mumbles

"What. Was. That." Techno glared

"Oooooohhhhh I'll bet now!" Wilbur exclaims, he wants this fight to happen.

"I bet on the kid!" Wilbur look at techno and techno looks at him with disgust and disbelief.

-Sorry this took I little to get out! I hope this is a good story, but I don't really care if it gets attention I just want to write. It's like an itch in my brain.—-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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