L imagen getting run over

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The car was speeding for him and he didn't move fast enough, with a weirdly loud crash the car ran him over and didn't stop.

Luckily there were no other cars, it was night, not many people out.

He got up and brushed himself off, even in the mortal realm in a human looking body, he was still that all powerful god no one knew him as, they decided XD would get all the credit because he was the most 'mature' and put the most effort in.

Hopefully no one saw that, but tommy didn't know someone did see him get hit, and walk off like it was nothing.

Tommy walked down the street trying to find a nice bench to sit on. He walked until he found a cute cafe that just happened to have a bench infront of it. He sat down, and began planning what to do. He needed a house, or an apartment.

But he didn't have any money.... He could fix that! Just get a job.... How could you do that if you weren't a documented person? Ugh seriously this was harder than he thought it would be.

Suddenly someone sat next to him, and that's when he realized this wasn't a bench, it was a bus stop that happened to have a bench.

"What's a kid like you doing out this early?" The person asked. They were not dressed normally, they had a mask covering the bottom half of their face and a purple hoodie on with black jeans. Tommy also saw many weapons on the person....

"I am not a child!" He finally yelled. He looked over the person, they were no older than 20 themselves it seemed.

"Ok, ok. Not a kid. Got it."
"What's all the weapons for?" Tommy asked bluntly

"I'm a vigilante, it's to keep me and others safe."
Ohhhh so this was a vigilante, he needed to know their name now. He was curious!
"What should I call you?" Tommy asked.
The question seemed to humble then a bit, but after a minute he responded, "Purpled. And you are?"

"Tommy" it was the only name he had ver knew, he didn't have a last name or middle name, and tommy wasn't short for anything. He was just tommy, plain and simple.

Finally the bus arrived but neither got on. One person walked off the bus and flinched when they saw Purpled.

"We have something to discuss." Purpled almost growled in a low tone. The bus whisked away.

"Scram kid. I don't need you hearing this." The man said to tommy and suddenly he had a gun pointed at him.

Wow just getting right into it huh? Tommy look unamused,"Then go somewhere else. Because Fuck knows I'm not getting up." He retorted

Purpled watched jumping infront of tommy," let's not hurt innocent people now please."

"Stop protecting me XD knows I can just walk away if I'm going to be shot I guess," and with that he got up and stood next to Purpled. He reached out to the strange man who had gotten off the bus. He didn't think that movement warranted shooting at tommy but that's what happened.

Suddenly tommy caught the bullet in his hand. He looked at it, brought it up to look at. And held his hand out for the person to take back.

When the person just looked like they had seen a ghost and didn't move, neither did purple actually. So he dropped it and left.

- - - -

It was now morning and tommy was sitting in the cafe he found before, mostly because their was a help wanted sign, but he didn't know how to ask about a job. He could fabricate money with his powers, but he needed something to do anyway.

He decided he would fabricate a phone because those were very expensive. When no one was looking with a small flick of his wrist he now had a red iPhone with a black and red case. He downloaded twitter and a bunch of news apps.

Then he read up about hero's and villains and vigilantes. He figured that last night wouldn't be the last time he saw someone in that field.

Then a woman with a kind smile and soft pink hair came to his table.

"Hello! Welcome to the Corner Shop Cafe! Can I get anything for you?" He looked and her name tag displayed her name as Niki.

"Um, no thank you. I don't have any money. I was actually here for the job." He spoke

"Oh well lucky for you I actually own this place! Do you have a resume?" She asked

"No, I haven't done anything to be put on one..." he replied hoping that the lie would work. He straight up was an undocumented person.

"Well I guess we can work around that... are you a hard worker?" She questioned.

He thought back to the work he did to make this realm,"Yes! I will be the hardest worker you have! Big man tommy is the best at making coffee!"

"Ok then," she giggled, "when can you start I suppose?"

"Tomorrow! I want to look around today."

"Be here at 11:30 to discuss hours!" She called as she walked to the back.

And with that tommy had a job. He didn't know how that actually worked. He just said he wanted a job and got one. Interesting.

- - -

True to his word tommy had a look around the city. He went to shops and parks. He loved the raccoon he found in one of the trees in Hero Park.

But he needed a place to stay in this city called L'manburg. So like any sane person he took to the flat roof tops. He didn't like sleeping close to the ground. He jumped from roof top to roof top looking for a nice place to sleep.

He eventually found a roof top with no access to the inside and decided he would stay here. He didn't care about the elements so he'd be fine.

He layed down on the concrete and looked up at the stars. He can't remember how long he was there just staring gazing.

Suddenly he heard a huge explosion that shook his building, he jumped up and wiped his head around. That's when he spotted the villain Siren (who had a hypnotic voice and could make explosions with his hands) battling
with a hero named Waterway (who could manipulate water).

"Some stupid ass names of you ask me." He muttered.

He walked to the edge of his building and sat down. His legs hanging carefully over the edge. Not like anything would happen if he fell, but falling can't be pleasant.

Siren was dodging icicles at the moment then he sent an explosive that missed. And it was heading right for tommy....

He got up and caught it. He held it in his hand while watching the battle. Well, what could go wrong if he gave it back?

Then he through it back at the battling pair and it hit Waterway in the back. She fell forwards to the ground.

Siren look over her and spied tommy. Siren was wearing a black T and black pant with a black trench coat. He had a mask that covered from his nose up, tommy wondered how he saw out of that. Siren watched him from afar.

He looked down at Water way and then started running to tommy. Tommy did not want to run today, but he also didn't want to fight a villain. So he ran and just jumped straight off the building. He landed safely at the bottom and booked it into a near by alleyway. He then hid behind a dumpster.

He then prayed to Kristin, lady death, that he wouldn't be found.

——- hope you like this so far! If you do.... Please favorite??? It helps a ton! Love you guys!—-

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