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Tommy sat menacingly looking over the small crowd in front of him. Kristin looks very happy, why shouldn't she be, the family was all together?

"Soooo, what now?" Tommy was glad for drama, he loved the chaos of situations.

"That's why your answers were weird! Because my power doesn't work on you!"

"No shit Wilbur, I was wondering when you were going to find that out." Tommy laughed

Phil walked over to Kristin and Tommy looked to Techno.

"Hey man, why so serious?" Tommy was smiling more than he had in a while. But he didn't quite know why.

"I'm always like this. But I do want to know how you know my mother. Enough for nicknames."

"That's privet man, you barely know me."

"Phil said you had wings. Who did you get them from. They're gifts, and you didn't get them from Kristen."

They didn't need to know he was a god, maybe he could blame XD. They shared golden wings, not the same but close. Funnily enough Tommy's were bigger and more capable, XDs were more showy, he could still fly well. But not as well.

"What's the only other god you know?"

Wilbur was in on the conversation now, "XD? Wait HIM?!?!"

"Yup!" Tommy replied cheerfully. Kristin gave him a look, he returned it, telepathically telling her to play along.

"Hold up, I'm calling someone." Wilbur got up with his phone, "love the flower case Wilbur!"

Wilbur glared at him and Tommy continued ,"What, I genuinely like flowers man. Red ones are my favorite."

Tommy was actually responsible for making red flowers and putting red in nature. So that color had a special place in his heart.

"Anyway, why are you calling someone?"

"I want you to meet someone."

—————— Wilbur pov

This was crazy, that weird new villain was Tommy? Not like Tommy himself wasn't weird. But his wings were also from XD? Now that's insane.

He continued walking out of the room and clicked on a contact.

Putting the ringing phone to his ear he waited for the other end to pick up.

"Wilbur? Are you ok? I saw that the hero tower blew up, what happened? Was it you?"

"Woah slow down Niki! I just need you to come over here. Your powers might be useful right now."

"Why? I mean looking into memories is cool and all, but I can't really do anything with it."

"No I just, ok well they might not be as useful as I originally thought but it will be interesting!"

"I'll be right over I guess."

—time skip—

"Hey Niki! Over here in the office."

"Oh ok, I'll be right there."

I opened the door for Niki and myself as we walked in. Tommy was laying across his chair Phil and Kristin were standing next to each other, and techno was staring and Tommy.

Tommy turned his head and looked at them as they walked in.

"Hi I'm Niki, who are you?" Niki offered

"Tommy. Why are you here." Tommy said flatly.

"Actually Niki step outside for a moment I'll give you a run down." I realized I hadn't really told her anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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